[@scrawls] [color=0054a6][b][h1] [center] Lorenzo Cifaretto [/center][/h1][/b][/color] The motorcycle stand started to rev its engine once again, quickly moving towards West. Closing the gap at an alarming rate. Lifting the motorcycle so the front wheel was high in the air. The stand was going to try to ram into West. West of course could jump out of the way, but the stand seemed dead set on running over the young man. West moved out of the way a few inches before being hit by the stand and chased after West by driving on the side of the buildings, jumping from one building to the next in an effort to keep up. Following West into the park, the motorcycle stand easily matched West’s running pace. The stand was trying to avoid Hierophant Green’s tentacles, bobbing and weaving between trees and park benches. But its wheels were caught by the green stand’s tentacles, being flung back into a tree behind it. With the rider falling off and landing on the ground near its cycle. Before it could try to get back onto its bike it was hit by Hierophant Green’s attack. Holes were appearing all over the stand’s body. With blood spurting out of the holes that were made by West’s stand. The stand lay on the ground for a brief moment, it seemed the battle was over. However the stand’s fingers started twitching, and the stand started getting back up. The motorcycle getting back up by itself. Now revving back up and trying to ram into West. While the rider was following behind. The cycle creates a chilling wind that seemed to be directed towards West. Lorenzo meanwhile was desperate to find the user to try and help his new comrade. His search for the stand user had not found anything useful. He wondered if this stand could be sentient. Been able to move on its own without the command of its user. While walking around he noticed a trail of blood leading towards an alleyway. Following the trail of blood towards an injured woman with rather large wounds all over her body. Lorenzo thought this woman had been shot multiple times, what he didn’t know was that this woman was the enemy he was looking for. “[color=0054a6]Are you okay miss?[/color]” He said now running over to the woman. Not caring he was getting blood all over his hand. The woman smiled and coughed up some blood onto her shirt. “[color=0054a6]Yes, I was walking down the street when this guy tried to rob me. I refused and the son of a bitch shot me.[/color]” The woman tried getting up but couldn’t from the pain. Lorenzo told her that he would get help for her, helping her onto her feet and leading her toward a nearby hospital. But the woman didn’t seem interested in going to a hospital, muttering something about going to a friend. It didn’t click in Lorenzo’s brain that this woman was the same person in the same bookstore that Lorenzo was in a few moments ago. Ignoring what she said, he was going to take her to the hospital. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@Lewascan2] [@j8cob] Jotaro had a bad feeling about this Sakura woman, she seemed quite arrogant and he thought could betray him in the future. But he didn’t have many leads at the moment, but he would keep a close eye on the stand. Watching the stand leering over towards the corpse of the woman. The police officer made sure she would not do anything that would hinder his investigation. His stand was at the ready in case he needed to protect the body. Sakura’s words were not very reassuring to the police officer. As the stand used its abilities on the corpse, watching in amazement as the corpse was turned into a common snake. This woman's stand was quite fascinating, but Jotaro could tell it was a formidable stand. The snake didn’t seem to mind being held by the golden stand. It soon wiggled around inside of its hands, pointing with its head where it wanted to go.