It was never going to hit her directly, that much was certain. She was able to move,still, even if it was clear her legs hadn't fully healed from her last impact yet. The tail caught Aleksiya's arm. The small girl's eyes widened, a sharp, hot sensation tearing through her shoulder as Kordelia's tail shredded muscle and shattered bone, tearing her left arm clean from her body. It wasn't the first time she'd been hurt like this, but it was the first time that she'd felt like this since being revived. She hated it. Not to mention it ruined her dress... Aleksiya clenched her teeth, bearing her fangs as she winced, a spray of blood erupting from the stump as the tail tore past her. "Kordelia... I hope you can make this up to me," she hissed through gritted teeth, "I really did like this dress!" Pouring her magical energy into the blood spewing from her left shoulder, the temperature around her lowered dramatically. Nearly instantly, the blood froze, crystallizing faster then it could emerge from the wound. And trapping the transformed Lord's tail within it. "This is for your own good, you know," she added, her voice still strained as her crimson eyes winced, "So you better help me find my arm when this is over!" Her right arm snapped up, emanating white-and-blue light from its palm, swirling and growing as she condensed the moisture in the air, before letting loose a spear of ice aimed squarely at the undamaged hand. Thick, with a vertical blade, the aim was simple. Cut it down the middle as the strings are severed. [@Click This][@Rune_Alchemist]