[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/feeLiup.png[/img][hr][hr][b][colour=009fff]Event:[/colour][/b] The Raid, Primitive [b]|[/b] [b][colour=009fff]Location:[/colour][/b] Farmstead, An Zenui[hr][hr][/center] The imp looked up, opening his mouth to continue, but then a ringing interrupted him: a loud, persistent ringing. His eyes widened, almost comically. [colour=ADFF2F]“They’re coming!”[/colour] he shouted, dashing for the kitchen. [colour=ADFF2F]“That’s the perimeter alarm!”[/colour] They were bells on little strings, and it was unclear as to exactly how they functioned. [colour=ADFF2F]“Master Jascuan! Are you alright!? We need to lock down!”[/colour] The old man shouted back in his native tongue and neither Zarina nor Ayla could understand him, but there was one word that they recognized: [colour=808000]“Classa!”[/colour] The girl was still outside, along with Zox and Tku. The gracious dinner under Jascuan's roof was a pleasant one, even if Zarina remained content with eating the minimum required to not appear impolite. She still had many things to ask, but alas, the desert beckoned for more sweat and blood. One did not need to understand the elder to know danger was afoot, and so the steadfast Zarina sprang into action. Her deposited armours was pulled in via a quick use of the gift, and fitted on as she rushed to her steed, Riesco. It all fit like a satisfying puzzle, with the final click occurring as she hopped her horse's back. [colour=#E5E4E2]“I'll go ahead.”[/colour] she stated as her helm came on as the last, missing piece of the platinum armour. [colour=#E5E4E2]“Bring them back before it turns to shit. Ayla, are you coming?”[/colour] Riesco neighed and was just about ready to enter an intense gallop. Ayla's eyes widened with the sudden commotion and cries of raiders. [colour=009fff]"Are there Firrazi sand people here as well?"[/colour] she asked, scanning the chaotic scene. In the midst of the turmoil, Zazzy adorned her shining armour as she transformed into a gallant knight, mounting her majestic white steed. Ayla wasted no time and swiftly climbed up behind her when beckoned, tightly wrapping her arms around Zazzy's waist. [colour=009fff]“We need to ensure everyone’s safety first.”[/colour] They took off at a gallop and soon caught sight of the danger: sand-skimmers in the distance, their massive sails cutting shapes out of the canvas of the horizon. There was also a colossal stone golem looming, and they weren't at first sure if it was friend or foe. Tku was rushing back towards them and Classa was with him, but it was clear that the little centaur was not making more than [i]half[/i] the pace she was capable of out of fear of leaving him behind. Tku was waving his arms and shouting something, but the wind was blustery, the thunder of hooves overwhelming, and the colossal looming threat of both the titanic golem and the raiders near-panic inducing. Then, she registered that it was Zox... only, there was a lot more of him than there had been. [colour=B0C4DE]"LEAVE OR DIE!!"[/colour] He bellowed in the direction of the encroachers, and they were firing something at him: cables and hooks, but then also bolts of magic. As they watched, a ruinous black hole ripped itself through reality and demons began spilling out, leaping, slithering, and flying towards the farm's massive protector. [colour=#E5E4E2]“Hey!”[/colour] called out the armoured cavalier. Riesco's speed quickly caught up with the two running in their direction. [colour=#E5E4E2]“What are we dealing with here?”[/colour] a brief pause was taken to figure out what was going on. [colour=#E5E4E2]“I see many sudden attackers. Demons?”[/colour] she shot a concerned glance at Classa. [colour=#E5E4E2]“If they break through the big guy, they'll come to the farm. Now's the time to act.”[/colour] [colour=#E5E4E2]“Ayla. Tku. Do you think you can get on the big guy? Keep him supported and in one piece while being in the high ground.”[/colour] Riesco neight, ready to charge in with Zarina's command. [colour=#E5E4E2]“I'll circle these assholes and burn them down.”[/colour] a loud sound of metal shifting had her shield expand and the maw pointing out at the direction of her hand opened, revealing a cannon with a singular, blue flame ignited at the tip. Tku was more than okay with running, but it seemed the knight had other plans. [colour=734960]"Are you crazy?!"[/colour] Tku yelled. There were Demons and raiders. They could just be here for the Sweetwater and cactus. Why not just run and live. What is worth throwing your life away for. But Zox was going to fight. It was his job, his role, that he took pride in. His warning scared Tku, he didn't want to die. But Zarina had made her decision to fight when she donned her armour. [colour=734960]"Fine then,"[/colour] Tku knew Ayla would go with her no matter what, he had seen it earlier in the day. He was anxious and found himself in another deadly situation. It was his job right now to keep those 2 alive the best he can. His hand were shakey as he turned to the enemy. He couldn't help but think about the odd wand he had. Could it help in this situation? Ayla's eyes focused on the golem under attack, her mind quickly formulating a plan. [colour=009fff]"Such a large audience, I'll get on top of it,"[/colour] she suggested, rising to her feet on Riesco's back and steadying herself by holding onto Zazzy. As they rode closer, Ayla utilized her kinetic magic, gracefully leaping through the air and landing atop the golem's head. With her flute in hand, she began playing a melodic tune, summoning sonic magic to create a protective barrier around the golem, deflecting incoming attacks. Her long hair spread out behind her like a majestic peacock's tail underneath her hat, ready to strike back at any physical assaults aimed at them. Like sharp stingers, her hair lashed out, attacking and detangling any hooks or ropes attempting to ensnare the golem. Their main objective was clear—to neutralize the black hole and prevent the void spawn from further infiltrating their realm. [hr][center][h3][url=https://youtu.be/Twr-ZMfB9gg]♫[/url][/h3][/center] Ayla's agile footsteps danced across the golem's sturdy frame, her movements calculated and precise. With each step, she unleashed her sonic magic, creating powerful vibrations that repelled the incoming attacks aimed at Zox. Her hair, a flowing cascade of swift and accurate strikes, intercepted and disarmed the barbed hooks effortlessly. The golem remained relatively unscathed by the ferocity of the assault. With a mighty roar, the golem retaliated against its assailants. Ayla seized the opportunity, leaping gracefully from the golem's shoulders to the desert sand below. In a spectacular display of power, the golem shattered into numerous colossal boulders, hurtling them in all directions. The raiders, displaying impressive teamwork and coordination, skilfully evaded or defended against the onslaught, proving themselves to be more than just a ragtag band of desperadoes. As the raiders regrouped, they summoned forth menacing demons from the depths of the Vozas. One particular portal expanded in size, belching out a small creature that seemed to engulf all light with its musou black colouring. Despite its diminutive size, it moved with astonishing speed, appearing as a blur as it focused its sights on Ayla. Reacting swiftly, Ayla leaped at the last moment, managing in evading the creature's attempt to strike her face, as it narrowly succeeded in striking her as it sank its teeth into the defensively coiled hair. [hr] Ayla's gaze locked onto the approaching demon, unmistakably the Yolk Demon. She urgently called out to Tku, her voice filled with recognition, [colour=009fff]"Just block it. It is a Good Egg."[/colour] Tku, puzzled by the peculiar term, responded with confusion, [colour=734960]"WHAT IS A GOOD EGG?!"[/colour] Ayla shook her head, a hint of amusement in her eyes, [colour=009fff]"No, no. Who's a Good Egg! Think of it like a Puppy!"[/colour] Tku, determined to protect without causing harm, skilfully defended against the Yolk Demon's advances. But then, in a heart-warming twist, the Yolk Demon's attention shifted upon catching sight of the innocent and vulnerable Classa under attack. With a swift change of heart, it redirected its assault, positioning itself as a shield in front of the young girl. Tku's eyes widened in a sudden realization, his voice filled with awe, [colour=734960]"IT IS A GOOD EGG!"[/colour] [hr] Ayla embraced her offensive stance, seizing the initiative. [colour=009fff]"If you're so fond of my hair, feast on this!"[/colour] she exclaimed. In a swift motion, her hair lashed out towards the speed demon, attempting to evade. But Ayla had a trick up her sleeve. She employed her illusion magic, creating an illusion of numerous hair tendrils striking at the demon. Confused and disoriented, the creature fell victim to the actual strikes from Ayla's hair. A wide grin spread across Ayla's face, revealing her own nimbleness and agility in these treacherous lands. With grace and finesse, Ayla danced across the shifting sands, her body moving in perfect harmony to evade the raiders' attacks. She conjured sand and smoke, shrouding herself and obscuring her location. The speed demon patiently awaited the opportune moment to strike. Ayla's smile grew wider, taking on an almost menacing quality, as her body seemed to move with an otherworldly instinct, effortlessly eluding the speed demon and neutralizing its special abilities. She had tapped into an extraordinary state of heightened awareness and ultra instinct. As the speed demon retreated towards three raiders, poised to unleash a storm of elemental attacks of storm, earth, and fire. Tku bestowed his power upon Zox. To everyone's surprise, the golem seemed to retreat into a cocoon-like state. Facing the adversaries alone, Ayla deflected the attacks, redirecting lightning bolts and nullifying the fire with her swift movements. The speed demon, sensing the danger, attempted to flee the confrontation. [colour=009fff]"Classa! Cut it off and make your escape!"[/colour] Ayla shouted urgently. The centaur girl, struggling to maintain her composure, nodded and stepped in to intercept the creature. The demon slowed its pace, changing its course, giving Ayla the opportunity to close in. She immobilized the demon with explosive projectiles of glue, hindering its movements and setting it up for a decisive blow. At that very moment, the mist demon that Zazzy had been battling met its demise. In a final act of defiance, it condensed into a boiling orb that exploded, spraying Ayla and those nearby. The scorching heat left her skin red and tender, a testament to the intense battle. Now hot and drenched, Ayla's gaze turned towards her primary target, the Speed Demon. The alignment of the moons signalled the time for her ultimate attack. She became engulfed in blue flames, her aura emanating power. [colour=#E5E4E2]"Ayla, you must stop the Elephant!"[/colour] Zazzy's voice reached her, caught in her own battle with the demonic creature. Ayla grumbled and cursed under her breath as she reluctantly switched her focus to the monstrous beast. With her charged strike already prepared, she pounced upon the creature's side, her hair digging into its flesh like searing skewers, driving the blue flames deep into its body. Yet, the demonic elephant drew upon its inner strength, managing to withstand the brunt of the attack to remain standing. Having achieved its triumph, the Yolk Demon started to retract into its protective shell. This left the raiders with even fewer targets, their sinister gazes fixated on the party. Ayla bore the brunt of their assault, but she swiftly devised a strategy. Utilizing the cocoon as a shield, she deftly manoeuvred around it, skilfully evading the most devastating blows. [hr][center][h3][url=https://youtu.be/LffSZfRSwTI ]♫[/url][/h3][/center] A tremendous upheaval ensued as Zox, encased in the cocoon, stirred with immense power. The shell fractured, unleashing a tempestuous gust that swept across the desolate dunes. The sky darkened ominously, and an ethereal green glow radiated from the colossal chasm. Then, with a resounding crack, the cocoon burst open, shedding colossal fragments in its wake. A behemoth of unfathomable proportions emerged, billowing smoke and irradiation into the air. Its eyes blazed like incandescent beacons, and a vast, steel-toothed maw opened wide. In a desperate charge, the elephant demon lunged forward. But Zox, without flinching, effortlessly seized it with a single hand and hurled it with astonishing force, sending it hurtling into the distance. The raiders, gripped by terror at the monstrous entity born from their own actions, scattered and fled. [colour=000000]"I am IGNITED!"[/colour] Its resounding voice echoed across the wasteland, its sheer magnitude compelling people to their knees. The raiders pleaded for mercy, but Zox showed none. With ruthless determination, it reached down and tore their feeble machines asunder, crushing them beneath its colossal feet. With an earth-shattering metallic groan, Zox advanced, each step causing the sand beneath to transform into molten glass due to the searing atomic heat. Standing over three hundred feet tall, the titan pressed forward. Then, from the distance, came a thunderous trumpet-like roar, shaking the ground to its core. Charging across the dunes, a gargantuan elephant emerged—the returning elephant demon. The clash of these titanic beings reverberated through the land, their mighty blows causing earthquakes that shattered the very earth beneath them. [hr] Zazzy's sharp eyes caught sight of the Speed Demon's desperate attempt to break free from its confinement. A spark of determination ignited within her as she locked eyes with Ayla. Their souls aligned, and with a shared understanding, they prepared to unleash a truly epic duet of power. Drawing in a breath that seemed to contain the very essence of the storm, Zazzy unleashed a resounding scream, her voice reverberating through the battlefield. Sonic waves surged forth, a tempest of sound that crashed against the Speed Demon, rattling its very core. But this was only the beginning. Ayla, the masterful songstress, stepped forward, her presence radiating with ethereal energy. She focused her essence, summoning all her inner strength, and with a voice that carried the weight of worlds, she joined Zazzy in harmony. The combined force of their songs shook the very fabric of reality. Vibrations of unparalleled intensity cascaded through the air, intertwining and merging into a maelstrom of sonic fury. The Speed Demon, unable to withstand the sheer might of their combined assault, began to crumble, its form disintegrating under the overwhelming onslaught. It was a futile struggle, a feeble resistance against the overwhelming power of their united voices. In an instant, the once formidable entity vanished, utterly obliterated from existence. Nothing remained but a smear of black dust on the sands. [hr] With a surge of indomitable strength, Zox unleashed a devastating barrage of punches, pounding the elephant demon with unrelenting force. The ground trembled beneath the weight of their clash, cracks forming in the desert floor. The elephant demon fought back fiercely, trumpeting with fury as it unleashed powerful energy blasts from its trunk. But Zox, fuelled by atomic might, refused to yield. With an earth-shaking stomp, it immobilized the elephant demon, rendering it momentarily defenseless. Taking advantage of this crucial opening, Zox summoned the full extent of its power. Radiant green energy engulfed Zox's colossal form, illuminating the battlefield with a blazing intensity. With a thunderous roar that echoed across the wasteland, it unleashed a devastating energy beam, piercing through the very fabric of reality. The beam collided with the elephant demon, tearing through its formidable defences. A cataclysmic explosion erupted, engulfing the battlefield in a blinding inferno. The blast nearly obliterated the elephant demon as it was previously wounded. [hr] The wounded demonic elephant thrashed and roared in a desperate attempt to free itself from the clutches of Ayla's relentless grip. Its colossal form trembled with resistance as it fought back, summoning dark energies to counter her grasp. But Ayla, fuelled by an insatiable hunger for power, held on tenaciously, determined to absorb the essence of this formidable creature. As the demonic elephant writhed beneath her, Ayla felt an overwhelming surge of energy coursing through her veins. She could sense the beast's essence, its demonic power, flowing into her being. The pain was excruciating, threatening to overwhelm her, but she pushed through, embracing the immense power that surged within. Just as the Ayla's strength began to wane, Zox, the colossal golem, rumbled forward. [colour=000000]"I will hold it down."[/colour] With a resounding thud, it pinned down the thrashing beast, its massive weight immobilizing the creature and providing Ayla with the opportunity she needed to finish the job. With an unwavering determination, Ayla focused her newfound power, channelling it into a final onslaught. The demonic elephant, weakened and battered, trembled and shrunk before her eyes. Its form faded, its strength diminishing until it became nothing more than a small, skeletal husk. The creature's eyes glowed with an eerie red, hollow and empty, as if whispering a final word, "...vengeance." Then, with a gust of wind, it disintegrated, its essence scattered into the ethereal currents. But Ayla scarcely noticed. The power she had absorbed consumed her being. It surged through her, causing unimaginable pain, yet fuelling her transformation. She grew, expanding in size beyond comprehension. First, she reached the size of Zarina, then Trypano, and Ashon. She surpassed Zox's original stature, continuing to grow. Ayla towered over the battlefield, her form exceeding 200 feet in height. She stood as a living titan, radiating an aura of immense power. Thankfully, Tku was on hand with his binding, so her modesty was preserved throughout. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/04gv00V.png[/img][/center] [hr] Zox, his massive frame still towering over the others, gently wrapped his colossal arms around Ayla in a careful embrace, ensuring not to crush her under his immense strength. [colour=000000]"Good job, little one. I'm glad you're safe,"[/colour] he rumbled with a deep voice that resonated through the air. Ayla returned the gesture, her smaller form embraced within the monumental hug of Zox. "It is like what they say, there is always someone taller," she replied, a hint of humour in her voice. Tku, observing the scene, couldn't help but comment, [colour=734960]"Life is wonderful. Seeing everything worked out."[/colour] Taking off her helmet, Zazzy brushed back her sweaty hair, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction etched across her face. [colour=#E5E4E2]"That turned out better than I was expecting. Fuck,"[/colour] she muttered, her words expressing a blend of surprise and triumph. Riesco, her loyal companion, remained restless, but a few comforting pats eased the creature's unease. Tku, ever the caring healer, directed his attention to Zarina. [colour=734960]"How is your armour holding up?"[/colour] he asked, concerned for her well-being. [colour=#E5E4E2]"In one piece, I think,"[/colour] Zarina replied, quickly checking her armour. She glanced back at Tku and asked, [colour=#E5E4E2]"You?"[/colour] Tku shrugged, a touch of humour in his voice, [colour=734960]"I guess my makeup is messed up, but I think it's okay."[/colour] He revealed his exposed face, acknowledging that sometimes appearances didn't matter as much in the face of victory. Zarina blinked, her confusion evident. [colour=#E5E4E2]"Weren't you black?"[/colour] she inquired, perplexed by the sudden change in Tku's appearance. Tku's discomfort was palpable as he responded, [colour=734960]"I was, at some point."[/colour] His answer hung in the air, leaving Zarina momentarily stunned. [colour=#E5E4E2]"Uhhhh,"[/colour] Zarina stumbled for words, then offered, [colour=#E5E4E2]"Do you need help?"[/colour] Zox, now standing tall once again, scratched his head, a question lingering in his eyes. [colour=000000]"Do I have to stay this big forever?"[/colour] he pondered aloud, looking at Ayla for guidance. [colour=000000]"Do you?"[/colour] Ayla shook her head, [colour=009fff]“We hope not, don’t fancy being as tall as Ingrid forever."[/colour] Tku interjected, his mind working on a solution. [colour=734960]"Maybe... Have you tried shrinking or splitting into more of yourself?"[/colour] he suggested, searching for an alternative. Zarina grimaced at the idea, considering the possibilities. [colour=#E5E4E2]"If you're made of metal, maybe draw from yourself until you're fun-sized?"[/colour] she proposed, her concern evident. Zox closed his eyes tightly, clenching his fists, as if exerting great effort. [colour=000000]"I think I can. I believe I can!"[/colour] he declared, the determination resonating in his words. However, his attempts proved unsuccessful, and he opened one eye to glance at Ayla. [colour=000000]"Any luck?"[/colour] he asked, his hope flickering. Ayla awkwardly stroked her finger through her hair, [colour=009fff]“Cannot draw upon myself like you can. Perhaps it will disappear by itself?”[/colour] [colour=734960]"Um..."[/colour] Tku looked around, searching for a solution. [colour=734960]"Maybe with some time?"[/colour] he suggested, hoping for a breakthrough. Meanwhile, Zarina felt a lingering responsibility towards a loose end. She approached the familiar egg-entity that had caught her attention before. Searching through the aftermath of the battle, Zarina's determination led her to an area where the conflict had buried the entity. Suddenly, a faint glow emanated from beneath the shifting sands, beckoning her to dig deeper. As she unearthed the source, the glow intensified until a radiant millennium egg burst forth, soaring into the sky and hovering above, surrounded by a celestial aura. Tku, in awe of the spectacle, voiced his thoughts. [colour=734960]"An angelic egg? It is a good egg,"[/colour] he remarked, finding solace in its presence. Zarina couldn't contain her amazement, her face blushing with reverence for the majestic sight before her. Meanwhile, Tku's sense of pride swelled as he realized he had played a part in aiding this extraordinary being. The magnificent white wings of the primordial egg gently flapped under the scorching desert sun, casting a vast and peaceful shadow. Brilliant pure white feathers cascaded from above, creating a serene atmosphere around them. The primordial egg, wearing a serene smile, turned its head and spoke with gratitude. "[b]You have my never-ending gratitude for aiding me in my ascension. I was summoned by wicked people, my chance at redemption tarnished from the start, but you fought with honour and decency, and I am born anew in the light of the Pentad[/b]." Zarina stood in awe, her heart touched by the words of the celestial entity. Meanwhile, Tku, captivated by its presence, found himself moved to tears. The egg extended its hands, offering gifts as tokens of gratitude. Three glowing black and green orbs, egg-shaped and radiant, gently descended, coming to rest on the sand, warm and inviting. One orb, however, landed atop the great olive tree, causing the tree to pulsate with newfound energy. Tku, seizing the opportunity, asked the egg, [colour=734960]"Mister Egg, are you able to help my friend Zox?"[/colour] His curiosity about the egg's abilities and nature spurred him on. "[b]It is already done[/b]," the egg replied, a playful wink in its ethereal gaze. "[b]Enjoy six more hours as titans. Then, you shall both be returned[/b]." It clasped its hands before itself, as if sealing its promise. Ayla smiled happily to the angelic egg, [colour=009fff]“Glad we were able to help you. Maybe we will see you later when we join you in the future!"[/colour] [b]"And now I must go,"[/b] said the egg, [b]"but I first bestow upon you these gifts as a token of my gratitude."[/b] Three glowing black and green orbs - egg-shaped - appeared before the angelic being, and they wafted slowly down towards the sand, where they lay, warm and waiting. With those words, the egg bid it farewells, leaving the companions in a state of awe and anticipation. The sand settled, and the gifts left behind glowed with an otherworldly essence. [hr][hr]