[color=darkorange] [u][b]The main story [from the game]:[/b][/u] The game's premise as you caught is basically surviving the intense cold, surviving against each other within our own built society. There are settlements outside of ours which we can reach in time. In the game London is actually standing (barely) and is a theme of one of the missions. We can choose to have a larger city near by or just keep it limited to size. These satellite settlements are small. The game begins with 30-40 people, so we would aim for that. Specialists and laborers alike. Engineering, developing and adapting to survive the winters, to help our settlement explore further, to bring back survivors, goods, robotics. Every person in the settlement has a crucial role [i]or is to be removed.[/i] [u][b]The main story we could run:[/b][/u] We find an enclosed space with tall natural barriers [cliffs, petrified trees], or we are assigned to the area and finally arrive. We know we need heat. We know we need to establish a settlement immediately to get goods to us and back to whatever settlement we came from. I like the idea that we would come to a minimally built settlement where we need to repair the reactor, that way it would stretch it out some in a challenging way, then create an impactful, celebratory reason for when we finally get the reactor up. A lot can and would happen in that meantime. The game is very Steam-Punk. It has automatons in the game. Large spider-like machines that we can fix and design to work for us. We don't want our people constantly working in -70F, -90F, good days, bad days. We need to adapt, survive, fight, venture out. Definitely needed roles: Engineers Protection/Security [police, guards] Administration [good or bad] Laborers Medical persons Bartenders [mead & moonshine helps a lot of the society to be happier. So we would have a public house or two] Funeral persons [...lots of death...] Hunters, foragers, gatherers, cooks. Scouts to explore the world. To endure the world. To find survivors, other settlements, goods, or other. Clergy Rebels, revolutionaries Patriots Some specific roles. Again free to choose multiples. Free to build your own families. Free to interact with anyone in the world. As long as it does not screw up the RP. But bad actions and decisions most likely will remain in the RP. If the decision messes things up, that just what happens. Then we, the society needs to adjust and repair, simulating real life. Every action & decision may have or definitely will have a reaction, a consequence, an impact. Just like in any video game, just like in life. I'll still be managing if anything gets out of control, but I'd really like to see a very free-range RP with a direct plot as well. Yes Snowpiercer is another excellent example of this. That is a great movie. **** Alright now to get back to this. Apologies. This was my first day off after 15 shifts in 13 days. Normally my response would not be this delayed just to note **** [u][b]Benzaiten [/b][/u]- Great questions and thank you for them. I know what you're getting at & why you're asking for sure. I feel the same I want to keep this going. 1] Events to keep this going: - First would be that I'm toward the idea that our population has made it to an abandoned settlement with a broken heating core. We have the need to get that up and running or face death in soon time. This way we can get right into a somewhat established place; already has homes, factories, a core. But we would just need to repair anything. - Second would be needing to locate other resources by venturing out into the world. Also the hope of finding other settlements, either good or bad. This would give a side story to anyone wanting to be a scout/wanderer in the world. - Overall we need to get the core running, we need to find ways to keep surviving, we need to find other settlements. We have to also keep our society in check. Whatever else you can think of or wish to include also. 2] "Can our PCs die------" Yes. The idea is that decision would be partly your call as well as mine if the RP has a major event. There would be times where I would/the RP would have to make the call of a lethal accident. This wouldn't happen without informing and discussing 1x1 with the player first of course. I don't want to kill off a character mercilessly. Here is an example; We are working on the heating reactor core still trying to get it going. Safety is needed of course. In the game they have foremen in charge of the workers and safety on these projects. They relay to administration that they need better safety in place, i.e. support beams & structures to avoid a collapse. Say that the safety is ignored in this RP which causes a devastating collapse. This is where we would figure out the decision; would your character be caught in the collapse? Would they have been crushed or killed? Are they able to be considered just trapped and retrievable? Sorts like that. With the factories we have in our settlement, they also make prosthetics for these reasons. Any amputee would/could just be fitted for one. So if you wanted to become a ice-pirate I suppose, there you go! Say another; Going back to the scouts idea. Say they come across wildlife that would be hungry and dangerous like polar bears. Say they are freezing and unable to get a fire going. Or food rations are running out and they haven't found anything, anywhere. That would be another decision of, what outcome would make most sense? Would the group/character pull off surviving? It won't be savagely merciless decisions or situations, but that idea of more realistic playing I suppose. [u][b]Syben with the magic questions:[/b][/u] I hadn't thought about magic in this until you asked, but the more I've thought of it the more I'm liking the idea, subtly. I don't want it to be a main focus but I honestly like the idea of including magic afterall. If you know Skyrim, which I'm sure most of us on here do, how about similar to the group that hides secret society, The Theives guild from Riften. The people in the settlement are already on edge with everything; facing death at any moment, lacking food, societal differences & turmoil. So those with magic would just be a massive target, hence the idea of staying hidden. That would help add some meat to the story I feel like. I keep thinking of the Deatheaters from Harry Potter also. What would help that in this story would be, again say it were too cold for a fire, or needing a way to make food [your imagination as I won't limit unless it is seriously meta-gaming], a way to hide. Pretty much however you can think of using your magic and what it would be worth. Using it to survive, but exposing yourself. If the scenario again, with it being too cold for a fire, and you happen to be the only one with a fire, that would certainly put the spotlight on you to become a target. This may and most possibly would impact your story, however. All of this is all constructive brainstorming. I am liking how things are seeming to come together here, and all is open to discuss or question. I'm not some hard-ass roleplayer or overseer. I want everyone to feel apart of it and have an input. I've included a few photos from one of my own current gameplays. Just examples of what the world would be based off of. [hider=Photos]General Settlement showing the heater core. The tents & small homes around it looking like a tiny town. There are infirmaries, churches, technology places to learn & develop new things, which those factories, steelworks, and sawmills in the background would produce. So you could really create any number of characters you wished to in any direction. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2d/66/2e/2d662e802bcedc145efa43b57e2a05b9.png[/img] Scrolled out to see how the natural barriers were utilized [being in a place with these cliffs to break the cold winds] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6b/1c/0e/6b1c0ec619fb3a2b1d757bf46162ca8a.png[/img] To show how desolate we are. Those markers can be anything; resources, food, settlements, interests. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c7/3f/bb/c73fbbded26bfbe98d964084d71ee9e4.png[/img] Lastly, one more look at the scale of things. Those are the scouts about to reach somewhere far away. The Winterhome is a place that is supposed to be a safe haven for this group to make it to, but you notice it says "the reactor seems turned off or needs repair" suggesting anything could be going on there. A suggestion for the story. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1b/1a/dd/1b1adde678c608795595fac28d0e494f.png [/img] [/hider] Really hope any of this helps. Feel free to ask anything further, if I need to detail anything better, if you have any input or suggestions. I'm all open. Thank you again for your patience there. [/color]