[CENTER][h1][color=EB054D][b]RICO[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr]Rico flopped down in the motel bed, letting out a long groan. After a brief respite, he found his way to the bathroom, enjoying a nice bath before returning to his room, dressed down to his black undershirt and neon green pants. Zipping off the lower half, they became shorts, Rico leaving them in the pile with the rest of his clothes. Pulling out his belongings, he scattered them across the bed: 5000 beri and a mixed bag of hard candy. Slouching into a chair, he counted off his fingers, before crying, [COLOR=EB054D]“Where am I gonna get money without whacking anyone!?”[/color] With a long sigh, he gathered up his belongings before hopping onto the bed, struggling to drift to sleep with a tense look on his face the whole night.[hr][COLOR=EB054D]“...Can you run that by me one more time?[/color] Rico’s face was sullen as the motel clerk explained, “Well buddy it’s not s’hard. See, ye don’t got a membership card, right?” [COLOR=EB054D]“No.”[/color] “We asked ye when ye rented your room if ya wanted one: that shoulda been when ye signed yer contract.” [COLOR=EB054D]“Sounds fair. It was pretty pricey, so I didn’t get one.”[/color] “And on the contract it says if ye don’t have a membership card it costs ye the same price ye paid for the night when ya check out.” [COLOR=EB054D]“Where!?”[/color] Rico scanned the contract, not seeing a thing. The clerk pulled it over to the wall, pulling a handle. With a series of clicks, a dozen magnifying glasses in gradually decreasing sizes popped out. [COLOR=EB054D]“Whoa, cool!”[/color] The clerk placed the contract under the magnifying glasses, motioning for Rico to look. The young man did so, reading in [i]very[/i] fine print. [sub]Upon evacuation of any rented room, the customer must pay an amount equivalent to the original fee. Failure to pay this fee will invite legal action for deferment on obligated charges. Fee will only be waived with a membership card.[/sub] [COLOR=EB054D]“...Not cool.”[/color] Rico pressed the sides of his face in with his hands, growling, [COLOR=EB054D]“How was I supposed to know all that!?”[/color] “It was right there on the contract lad!” Rico continued to press against his face, anger boiling, before he suddenly blurted, [COLOR=EB054D]“I’m calling the Sootstriders!”[/color] The clerk paled, suddenly gasping, “Whoa, hey now laddy, yer right, it ain’t exacaly fair now, is it! Tell ye what.” Moving the contract, he motioned for Rico to read it again. [sub]Dissatisfied customers will be refunded with a Bill. After the refund has been received, the Bill will be returned. A customer who has been Billed voids any further legal action against this establishment.[/sub] [COLOR=EB054D]“...The heck’s that mean?”[/color] “We’ll Bill ye a refund! Just wait at Phoenix Place.” [COLOR=EB054D]“Oh, why didn’t you just say so? You mean Palace?”[/color] “No.” Relenting, Rico would spend his next hour waiting at one of Phoenix Beach’s plaza areas, a firebird statue in a fountain regurgitating water, the ironic sight catching Rico’s attention, until a call roused him. He turned to see a man with a pudgy tummy, his shirt not quite covering his midriff. He wore a red homburg hat and a black vest, his face emblazoned with a blonde mustache. “You Rico?” [COLOR=EB054D]“Boy am I!”[/color] the pirate said with a grin. The man let out a laugh, raising his hand for a high five, which Rico returned. “Haha! You’ve been Billed.” Rico’s eyelids lowered, confusion apparent. “My name’s Bill.” Realization started to dawn, Rico’s face growing darker. Bill snapped his fingers, pointing both at Rico as he smiled, “Catch you later, buckaroo.” Rico was on the cusp of tears as Bill turned, heading off. Rico followed. Sensing the pirate on his heels, Bill gradually rose his pace. So did Rico. Shooting his head behind him, Rico was getting faster. Bill panicked, breaking into a run, but there was no escape. The two started to pull heads as they peeled through the walkways of Phoenix Beach. Rico hopped into the air just as Bill let out a cry of fright. Rico’s two legs dropkicked into him, Bill being knocked onto his front while Rico fell to his side. Rico shouted to the crowd, [COLOR=EB054D]“[b]Never[/b] room at the Shady Dealing Lodge!”[/color] Bill scrambled up and away, crying, “You knew what service you were getting! There was no false advertising whatsoever! None whatsoeverrrr!” His voice trailed off as he left Rico, the folk going about returning to their day. [COLOR=EB054D]“This place [i]sucks[/i].”[/color]