[color=757163][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SzL45ot.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmU1ZTRlMi5XbUZ5YVc1aElFRnNMVTVoWkdWeS4w/italianno.regular.webp[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [h3][b]Assani 15th[/b][/h3] [sub][b]Location:[/b] Xochiyeiteteo [b]Day of the week:[/b] Taldes [b]Time:[/b] Day [b]Present:[/b] Zarina, Ayla [@Ti], Classa [@Force and Fury], Tku [@dragonpiece], Riesco, Zox, Raiders, Demons, Yolk Demon, The Olive Tree and Dragon.[/sub] [hr][hr][center][h2][url=https://youtu.be/g11rnxpMNko?t=68]♫[/url][/h2][/center][hr][hr] The heat of battle was something Zarina had almost forgotten and a taste she never wished to genuinely acquire. Despite being prepared - some would even say over prepared - it did not make the ordeal any more appealing or easy. But she accepted this mission knowing full-well the inevitabilities it engendered. And so she charged in with her trusted steed, circling the horde of enemies with Classa not too far behind and her allies riding the Zox. [color=#E5E4E2][i]Fucking demons. Fucking Void-lovers.[/i][/color] Facial features twitched under her platinum helm. Malefic beings from another realm had been called upon to bolster the raider forces, and one had taken particular interest to her. [color=#E5E4E2][i]I am so sick of these foggy shitters.[/i][/color] But try as she might, her armour and raw might did little to repulse the corrosive blob of intangible darkness. It burned so much, invoking furies that only emerged after incredibly acute pains - like stubbing one’s toe. Taken by frustration over her situation and the pain, Zarina acted out in pure impulse. Her dragonhead greatshield, an item she had used to protect, opened its wicked maw to reveal a small cannon. [color=#E5E4E2][i]Now you burn.[/i][/color] There was a moment of hesitation. The remorseful Zarina that knew she was going to hate this tried to stop her. Had it just been the burns, she’d have held back. But there was more to it - there was fear too. And fear made people do many things. The flames were vomited out on a group of raiders, scorching at least two and injuring two more. The screams and the smell were atrocious, but she did not linger. There were demons and over fifty attackers. The battle raged on with Zox clearing many of the pack. Tku eventually became the author of the mist’s second demise, Classa covered her new friend Riesco, and Ayla neutered the speed demon. They were going to win this if they held strong. The platinum warrior had to ensure the titan did not fall, and she did just that as the team’s immovable temporal shield. [hr] Then came the finale. A duet with Ayla and the birth of a shining God-like giant. The enemies knew nothing but terror at their end, and the final titanesque demon met its match with the golem of pristine metal. They had won, and their first prize was a massive Ayla. [color=#E5E4E2]“We’ll need to revisit living arrangements, Ayla.”[/color] Although she spoke, there was little chance the giantess could hear Zarina without some sort of sonic enhancement. There was one thing missing. Zarina, realising there was still a loose end, approached the familiar egg-entity she had seen once before. It was not easy to find, for the conflict seemed to have buried it. Then, from within the shifting sands, came a faint glow, and Zarina dug. The glow expanded and then, bursting from the ground, came a glowing millennium egg. It shot into the sky and hovered there, a halo about its form, face beatific and arms outstretched. A [b]PRIMORDIAL EGG[/b] had ascended. [color=734960]"An angelic Egg? It is a good Egg"[/color] Tku decided to move focus onto it. [color=#E5E4E2]“A Promordial egg, destined to be eaten.”[/color] Zazzy added. The egg turned its magnificent head and blinked. [color=ffffff][b]"You have my neverending gratitude for aiding me in my ascension. I was summoned by wicked people, my chance at redemption tarnished from the start, but you fought with honour and decency and I am born anew in the light of the Pentad."[/b][/color] Zarina blushed in awe. So majestic. Tku was in awe. He was so proud to have helped. Its great white wings flapped softly under the burning desert sun, casting a vast and peaceful shadow. Brilliant pure white feathers drifted and fluttered down from above. The [b]PRIMORDIAL EGG[/b] smiled. [color=734960]"Mister Egg, are you able to help my friend Zox?"[/color] Tku asked, unsure of the nature of the egg. [color=ffffff][b]"It is already done."[/b][/color] It... [i]winked[/i]. [color=ffffff][b]"Enjoy six more hours as titans. Then, you shall both be returned."[/b][/color] It clasped its hands before itself. [color=ffffff][b]"And now I must go,"[/b][/color] said the egg, [color=ffffff][b]"but I first bestow upon you these gifts as a token of my gratitude."[/b][/color] Three glowing black and green orbs - egg-shaped - appeared before the angelic being, and they wafted slowly down towards the sand, where they lay, warm and waiting. One, however, landed elsewhere, coming to rest atop the great olive tree. The tree pulsed. The egg disappeared. arina nodded sagely at the egg. No more words needed to be said. This was a good ending. The armoured girl approached the landing site of one of the eggs. In his head, Tku heard a voice. [color=Olive]"Step forward, child,"[/color] said the mystical tree of the desert. In the distance came the echo of hooves and, with them, a dust trail. [color=olive]"Eat of my fruit and you shall be nourished."[/color] Classa could feel its words as well. [color=olive]"You too, young one."[/color] Classa looked up at Zarina and leaned in. [color=C71585]"But I don't really like olives..."[/color] she whined, scrunching up her face. [color=C71585]"Do I [i]gotta[/i]?"[/color] Zarina cackled at that answer. Oh kids. [color=#E5E4E2]“It's a special olive.”[/color] she said before tapping the centaur's back. [color=#E5E4E2]“Only the best of us can even get a lick.”[/color] From within the great tree's branches came a mist, in the midst of the desert, and they were filled with gentle clouds and a soft light. A small serpentine dragon rested within it contentedly, eyes half-closed. Then, in Tku's mind: [color=olive]"What do you wish for?"[/color] Classa trotted up and took an olive as well. Riesco also approached. His simple horse mind was attracted to the tree for some reason. Zarina just watched him do so. He leaned toward Classa, lips flapping. Ready to suck in her winnings. Classa held it out in her hand, looking at it and working up the courage. Frightened by the horse coming up to take her prize, the girl swallowed it. She, too, heard what Tku had moments earlier. Riesco began to nod heavily, frustrated but excited! [color=C71585]"I wish..."[/color] The girl trailed off, suddenly and perhaps for the first time, lost for words. She regarded Zox, then Tku, and then the giant Ayla. Last, she looked to Zarina. [color=C71585]"I wish to... be free."[/color] She paused. [color=C71585]"And the others like me: them too."[/color] Classa took a few steps back toward the others. [color=C71585]"So is this like a trick question or something?"[/color] she asked, [color=C71585]"'cause I'm totally just gonna ask the tree to grant it."[/color] Zarina did not know what to feel. Relief? Her job felt just a tad easier now. But, without Zox or Classa, this farm would have been good as gone, and Jascuan very dead. She exhaled from her nose, and then chuckled. [color=#E5E4E2]“No trick. If that's what you really want, then so be it. No wrong answer, Classa.”[/color] Classa stepped forward. [color=C71585]"Are you a tree or a dragon?"[/color] she asked with childlike curiosity. The dragon's eyes slid open and it seemed to smile, floating languidly through the air as it descended, looping and twirling about her shoulders. [color=olive]"Why can I not be both?"[/color] It chuckled and the tree's leaves seemed to tremble. lassa's face scrunched up inquisitively. [color=C71585]"How can you be a tree [i]and[/i] a dragon?"[/color] She pawed at the ground. [color=C71585]"Sounds like something Mr. Jascuan would say when he's trying to sound all wise and stuff."[/color] The dragon stilled and tilted its head. Then, there was a small surge of energy of a type that none of them had felt before and the child's eyes widened. [color=C71585]"Ooooohhh,"[/color] she exclaimed, nodding knowingly after a moment. [color=C71585]"I get it!"[/color] She paused to consider, sticking a lock of hair in the corner of her mouth and nibbling on it. [color=C71585]"I think I actually undewstand a lot of things now. Give us what we need and we will free ourselves."[/color] She looked up and smiled uncertainly. Classa stamped her feet happily. Nobody was quite sure what she'd received, but she seemed to know. The little girl twisted and cracked a shit-eating grin. [color=C71585]"Wait 'til you see what [i]I[/i] got!"[/color] she boasted. Then, momentarily, she turned back to face the tree and bowed her head. [color=C71585]"Thank you Mr. Dragon-Tree."[/color] With that, the dragon settled back upon the branches and the rolling mists took it away from that place. The tree stood still and silent in the desert. Then, it crackled and bent. Its branches groaned. Its fruits withered. The ground seemed to open and it disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place. A single millennium egg sat there in the sand. The other was in Zarina's hand. Classa perked up. [color=C71585]"Oh, [i]I[/i] want it!"[/color] she exclaimed, hurrying forward. Then, she looked up at the massive figure of Zox. [color=C71585]"So I can save it for him, of course."[/color] She blinked, smiled, and looked up, holding her hands out towards Tku. [/color]