This is just a little bit of world building here... [@LuckyLudor] There are numerous different guilds, and it's not uncommon for different guilds to deal in the same trade or practice. So, the specific guild Mabel is part of is the [i]'Three Fairies' Weaver's Guild'[/I]. Mabel knows that this guild is a prestigious and wide spread Weaver's Guild! A lot of the higher standing members are fashion designers. Some of the more famous members have provided the finest to famous figures, such as royalty. And we're not talking just the Disney Princesses, we're also talking about the Kings and Queens! You've also heard that for some reason, in the Olympians' Country, Chora, they insist on calling your guild the [i]'Three Fates' Weaver's Guild'[/I] for some weird reason. You're not sure why though. The symbol of the Guild is a red flower, a green butterfly, and a blue cloud, forming a triangle of thread, intertwining with each other on top of a spinning wheel. Right now, Mabel is considered a Junior Member of the Guild. Mabel has proven herself in her skills, so she doesn't really need an apprenticeship, but the Guild is concerned that potential customers or clients won't take Mabel or her work seriously due to her age.