[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR52k84p/54b4e63d635603b22d80f72a4ba2be54.png[/img][hr][img]https://y.yarn.co/918b65f5-8699-4ac9-b27e-40921929b310_text.gif[/img][hr][@Forsythe][@Natsu][@Ever Faithful][hr][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]CONFIDENTIAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY NOT TO BE RELEASED TO STUDENTS [/b][/color][/h3][/center] [i]U = Usagi SN = Ser Nemo V = Vision LN = Lady Nimue [/i] van Dyne, Victoria - Junior [list][*]Ranking: [list][*]A - SN [*]A - U [/list] [*]Likelihood of villainy: [list][*]1 - SN [*]1 - U[/list] [*]Comments: [list][*]People tend to think that the Avengers are cops, whereas other people argue firefighters. Miss van Dyne is making a case here for the latter. She is a natural born leader. -SN [*]Disappointed she didn't really fuck things up while in there - would've been excited to see what sort of damage that suit can do. But hey, still was super cool! Didn't know the van Dynes were making suits that weren't meant for shrinking. Thought that was Stark's deal? -U [/list][/list] Terrane, Ardere - Freshman [list][*]Ranking: [list][*]B - SN [*]B - LN [/list] [*]Likelihood of villainy: [list][*]3 - SN [*]7 - LN[/list] [*]Comments: [list][*]She pushes herself too hard. While I admire her ambition, it is important to also know when to stop. - SN [*]I sense a great deal of confusion in her - and a desperation to prove herself. If not guided properly, she may become a force of great evil. -LN [/list][/list] Sullivan, Mary Sue- Freshman [list][*]Ranking: [list][*]C - SN [*]B - LN [/list] [*]Likelihood of villainy: [list][*]1 - SN [*]10 - LN[/list] [*]Comments: [list][*]A young protagonist at the start of her hero's journey, just barely scratching the surface of her power. We should consider private sessions, to help her probe the nature of her abilities. - SN [*]The granddaughter of Thanos heralds death. I should like to work with her, less the darkness consume her. -LN [/list][/list]