[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] “In the Principality, we throw out unexpected guests and politely yet firmly tell them to leave and never come back,” Polina quipped, yet half-heartedly grousing. She was all for interesting experiences, but that ended when it was directed at her and more inconvenient than it was worth. The meddling of the Church was one, for example. With a nod of acknowledgement to Lucrecia in her role as their guard, she accepted Livia’s hand, schooling her face into a noble bearing with a light smile of her own—that wasn’t too hard, considering her tendency to plaster a poker face even as a maid. Really, there weren’t too many differences in etiquette in carrying yourself as a noble lady versus falling into the role of a high-class maid. Maids for high-ranking nobles or royalty tended to be nobles themselves, after all. Polina had just gone about the recruitment for her positions in a slightly more unorthodox way. As they entered, she glanced about, allowing herself to take in the sights somewhat less subtly than she would as a maid on a combat mission. As a noble’s abode went, it wasn’t particularly exceptional, although Polina thought the man that owned it had overused the amount of gold leaf a little bit. It was on character if anything, though. It didn’t take too long for Polina to catch the two members of the church among the crowd of nobles and other distinguished guests. Apart from their unique garb that stood out in the sea of noble splendor, they were being ostracized by the other guests. Understandably so. “They seem rather lonely tonight, so it would be the only polite thing to do,” Polina replied, agreeing with Livia’s suggestion –obviously an order—despite her own distaste of the clergywomen.