[h3]Lajila Nox[/h3] The monitor beeped quietly as Jila blacked out again, the experience having been too much for her pain-overloaded brain to handle. It automatically paged a doctor, the only one it was able to reach being Dr. Rivercot. [h3]Dr. Alice Rivercot[/h3] Alice finished quickly, then checked her pager. She simply smiled gently at James then went to tend to the injured girl, knowing she could finish up with James after Lajila was stabilized. She glanced at Lily, but said nothing as she adjusted some of the medication Lajila was getting, added a few painkillers- that Lajila would hate her for in the long run- and nodded to Lily before stepping back out and returning to James, still silent. The doctor only said what was needed, and some could mistake her for being a mute.