[@Sho Minazuki] [@Renose] [@Letter Bee] Garrick steadied himself against a wall as the elf unleashed her Anemo powers in full, becoming a violent tempest of fury and destruction with only one thing in mind: [b]Kill anything that gets near her.[/b] Her winds were so violent that, even though he standing off to the sides and not even in her field of vision, those winds were cutting into his scales. If she didn't calm down soon, it wouldn't just be the Electro fighter that's the main problem. Thankfully, fate seemed to agree with that sentiment as, from out of nowhere, a Shaitan warrior dropped on the elf's back and managed to quiet her furious storm. [quote]"You, lizard man, you are not one of those Spines too correct? Please, for the time being, calm yourself, while me and my men get this under control"[/quote] Sure enough, as Garrick looked around, more men in white began to appear in the arena. It would seem the chaotic fighting had died down to manageable levels. [quote]"As for this one, I would restrain her, until this situation has passed. Some of my men will be watching you both"[/quote] Garrick gave an understood grunt in response, acknowledging the man as the cryptid reached out to the stands with his hand. A moment later, Azure Vein withdrew itself from the corpse of the Spine archer and flew back into his hand, giving it a hard shake to get the blood off before stashing the weapon on his back. The cryptid then went over the pillar where the elf girl was sitting and leaned against it, crossing his arms. Whatever happened here, Garrick was sure the Sand King and the Geo Archon would have questions for everyone that was involved.....as well as demanding answers.