[center][h1][color=b0021d]Xander Clarke[/color][/h1] [H3][I][color=b0021d]"Glitch"[/color][/I][/H3][/center] [hr] [H2][center]Kaitiaki[/center][/h2] A loud sizzle announced to the room that the patties had finally been placed upon the hot grill. The aroma of the meat wafted through the air only intensifying the feelings of hunger for the squad. Xander continued to multitask, keeping up with the conversations while making sure the patties didn’t, as Sam put it, “pass for charcoal.” Sam commented on her excitement for the projects she would be starting tomorrow, as well as expressed her interest in working with Xander to make some new gadgets. The feel was mutual, both for the excitement, and the lament of losing all their equipment last mission. [color=b0021d]"I need to rebuild my gear again, too. Need a new tablet, and with the Dingo nothing but scrap I'll have to start from the blueprints. Course that means now is the best time to really redesign it. And with you Sam, well, I think we can add more than just a little bite to the old girl."[/color] The conversation then turned to business as Skye introduced them to their next target and assignment. Pavel Andros. On the surface, a genius. The face of the future in tech. In reality, just another rich kid with unlimited money and the world’s greatest PR team. Though it seemed everyone in the room had a bone to pick with Pavel, and Xander was no exception. They all gave their reasons for hating him before Xander spoke up with his. [color=b0021d]"Yeah. Right wankhead, that one."[/color] Xan commented while he pulled the fully cooked and seasoned patties off the grill. [color=b0021d]"Never met him meself, but an old pal from my academy days went to work for him. Spearheaded a huge project developing automated drone tech, think Dingo but for much simpler tasks like one of them robot vacuums. Made them a hefty profit, and in return for his work he got a pink slip and a shitty severance attached to an NDA. Meanwhile Pavel took all the credit and erased every trace of me mate ever having even looked at the project. Bet you anything he's using that same tech for his satellites."[/color] After he aired his complaints about Pavel, Skye continued the pseudo briefing and gave Xan the task of finding a way in and out. However, his face grimaced when she mentioned the timeline. He remained silent for the time being, hoping he could come up with a way to make it work, but two weeks just wasn’t enough time to pull off what she was asking. Luckily Freya was there to save the day with a much better and more legitimate way in. [color=b0021d]"Honestly, Freya's plan may be the way to go.”[/color] He said carefully assembling the burgers to everyone’s specifications. [color=b0021d]“If we wanted to get our names on their list my way, we'd need access to their database, which means we'd have to get connected to their network on top of cracking any security they have in place. Ideally we could plant a trojan on some suits computer and slip in using their creds completely under the radar, but that would take two weeks just to plan. We could technically remote hack in, but that’s too much of a risk for a tech company like this. Their security would be top notch, and the moment they get a whiff of an attempted break in, they'd shut the whole event down. However, there’s still the question of getting our gear in there as well as getting a layout of the place… I think I have an idea on that. Gimme a few days to look into some things and I’ll get back to you.”[/color] With the burgers finally assembled and ready, Xan started handing them out to each person. [color=b0021d]"Oh, Sam.”[/color] He said walking over with her long awaited meal. [color=b0021d]“To answer your question from earlier; it's because she's our mum! She looks after us, keeps us in line, and of course.”[/color] He handed her the plate and winked [color=b0021d]"Keeps us fed."[/color]