Well good to know the style isn't exclusive to them. Anyway, while I'm aware that learning new styles is just meet the stat requirements, I also figured you want some explanation within the fiction as how it was acquired. So, I figured the best way would be to wait for like more suitable styles to pop along with an opportunity to go, "Hey, my character is seeking instruction in it." I'm also rather curious about the math works with these stats. One thing that would be nice is having an explanation for each level on a stat. I can infer some ideas of competency per level a bit. But it would be better for it to be explicitly explained. Like saying 1 means average or unskilled and like 4 being skilled or something like that. Going back to styles, I'm actually kind of curious to just how impaired a character would be without a style. Although for the sake of testing your material, I'll pick something. Still, I want to see how a character fares with only rolls and the free techs. Also, I wonder what everyone else is planning on making. Would it be alright if characters might know each other beforehand?