[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/japanese/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230513/7dfad457fb92631abadbbd6e1fe95ca4.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][@Dead Cruiser][@Riffus Maximus][@Emeth][@The Muse][@Teyao][@ActRaiserTheReturned][@Mendicant Bias][/center] Mitsuko was awed at the sight of everyone present in the garden-in-between-worlds, she saw a veritable multitude of individuals milling around, talking with each other, and just in general being jovial with each other, from half-lizard people to elves so bizarre they were unlike anything she’s seen on Earth. It’s downright bizarre yet also incredibly fascinating and interesting, a lot of opportunities for Mitsuko to study and see new people not from Earth. Amaterasu, meanwhile, was trying to fend off the double inquiries from Dominus and the Turtle. Assuring Dominus that no, she did not make a bad choice by choosing Mitsuko, and telling the turtle why they are here in the first place. [color=#D91E1E]"Didn't you get the memo? We are here to provide coordination and guidance for our champions."[/COLOR] She told the Omniscient. [color=#D91E1E]"We could not let them go without imparting some wisdom from us can we? I would be a bad goddess if I did such a thing."[/COLOR] But, now that everyone is here. Amaterasu decided to speed things up, feeling confident that she had fended off Dominus for now, and quenched the curiosity of the Turtle. The black-haired woman took center stage, with every deity and their champion seeing the Japanese sun goddess speak on the proverbial platform. [color=#D91E1E]“Alright alright. I think that’s pretty much all of you?”[/COLOR] Amaterasu interjected, killing Mitsuko’s interest in an effort to move the team along. [color=#D91E1E]“I think that you all know why you are here. So I will make this as quick and effortless as possible. We’ll move on to discuss the issue of this Nirvana thingy later on. But first!”[/COLOR] [color=#D91E1E]“My name, in case you’re wondering, is Amaterasu Omikami, and this is my champion. Mitsuko Imada. She is a champion of mine for 5 years now, and arguably one of my best.”[/COLOR] The deity turned her face and looked at Mitsuko with a certain fondness in her eyes. Like they know the hardships they endured together and what kind of grit Mitsuko has to make sure things are resolved amicably in their favour. [color=#D91E1E]“But that’s enough of me. Why don’t you introduce yourself, Mitsuko?”[/COLOR] [color=#F09B9A]“Me?”[/COLOR] Mitsuko wondered, quite unusual for Amaterasu to put her into the spotlight in the first place, but whatever. [color=#F09B9A]“My name is Mitsuko Imada, from an island nation called Japan. I was born in the city of Osaka, a town with… I think 20 million people now? Give or take? Yeah, big… big city. Unfortunately for me though, I was born into poverty. My people were historically oppressed in Japanese society and I was a daughter born to parents within that group, so I grew up living a life of crime and general lawlessness, that is, until. I went to jail at the age of 18 with my gang over a robbery gone wrong. And while that should be the end of me, Amaterasu stumbled into my group of ne’er do wells and offered me an opportunity. Become a champion of her, or rot in prison.”[/COLOR] [color=#F09B9A]“Safe to say I took her offer, and thank goodness for that. I was taught self-discipline, culture, fighting techniques, and etiquette. I was also given money and luxuries I never imagined before, and in return? I fight evil Japanese spirits and make sure that my country does not fall into the clutches of rogue spirits with evil intent. Let’s just say that I am particularly good at my job, even defeated one of the premier Japanese deities in a duel once. So that’s fun.”[/COLOR] [color=#F09B9A]“Do you have any questions for me? What I said over there is a very truncated history of my life, so I probably omitted a lot of details there, but gosh! My life has been a rollercoaster that’s for sure.”[/COLOR] [color=#F09B9A]“Speaking of rollercoasters. Would anyone else be willing to share the stories of their life? I think it would be best for all of us to know each other deeply.”[/COLOR] Mitsuko concluded. To the approval of the Japanese sun goddess beside her.