[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QLcqYBY.png[/img][hr][hr][b][colour=FF3131]Event:[/colour][/b] The Assault on the Smuggler ship, Castle Mandelein [b]|[/b] [b][colour=FF3131]Location:[/colour][/b] Mandelein, Kerremand[hr][hr][/center] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/vGJabkY6U2U[/youtube][/center] The earth shook beneath their feet as the Cannoneer Gorillas unleashed their rampage, their ferocity unmatched. The Alpha, a towering force of nature, seized the cage and propelled it with astounding speed, hurtling it into a crowd of captors like a meteor, leaving chaos and bodies in its wake. Aghast and trembling, one captor stared wide-eyed at the unfolding chaos, stammering towards Jamboi. “What have y-y-y-you done?!” But Jamboi, stood tall, his eyes gleaming with defiance. With a mischievous toothy grin, he proclaimed, [colour=FF3131]"I am Jamboi'Ismax, and I'm here to liberate my people."[/colour] His words reverberated with a resolute power that resonated through the air. In a swift and calculated motion, he unleashed his rope dart, a lethal extension of his will, disarming the captor who dared to raise a weapon against the monkeys. In the blink of an eye, a wild monkey pounced upon another captor, screeching triumphantly. Undeterred, another assailant lurked in the shadows, attempting to take advantage of the chaos. But nature itself came to Jamboi's aid through Casii. Vines erupted from the ground, ensnaring the unsuspecting foe in a merciless grip. With lightning reflexes, Jamboi whirled his staff, delivering a decisive blow that sent his foe into unconsciousness. Grateful, Jamboi blew a kiss towards the hills, a silent tribute Casii watching over him. The smugglers, caught in a storm of fire and destruction, had no chance against the wrath of the gorillas. One of the primates seized handfuls of black gunpowder, hurling them with precision, igniting explosions that sent shockwaves through the air. The Alpha Gorilla, a force of untamed power, tore through a smuggler, rending flesh as easily as a hot knife through butter. Meanwhile, Laura, the sharpshooter, expertly picked off another assailant who dared to raise his gun. The remaining smugglers were hounded by the relentless onslaught of the wild monkeys, spreading chaos and devastation in their wake. Yet amidst the frenzy, a voice pierced through the turmoil. [color=6ecff6]"Jambii!"[/colour] It was Casii, calling out with urgency. The gorillas, unchecked in their fury, needed Jamboi's guiding hand. Beating his chest with primal might, Jamboi issued a challenge, commanding their attention. Using his rope darts, he directed the monkeys towards him, buying their loyalty with Mandelein's purple bananas. But within the chaos, a lone figure stood defiant. The Gorilla Alpha, a formidable adversary, locked eyes with Jamboi, issuing a challenge that resonated with raw power and dominance. The stage was set. The apes gathered around, creating a ring of anticipation as the two mighty males clashed for dominance. The Alpha, his primal fury radiating from every pore, pounded his chest in a thunderous challenge. With a fearsome display of strength, he seized a nearby piece of wood and hurled it towards Jamboi. But the agile warrior was no ordinary opponent. The planks phased through him as if he were a spectre, and with a swift motion, he drew upon the metallic nails embedded within, launching them back towards the Alpha. The nails splintered through the air, only to be caught effortlessly in the Alpha's grasp. With a menacing smirk, he transformed them into a formidable ball of projectiles and hurled them back towards Jamboi, striking him with brutal force. However, Jamboi's mastery of gravity magic allowed him to maintain his balance, turning the impact into a deceptive dance of resilience. With relentless determination, the Alpha charged towards Jamboi, his sheer size and power propelling him forward. But as he lunged, he passed through Jamboi, who had deftly evaded the attack, reappearing behind his opponent in a display of cunning agility. Drawing upon the forces of ionic and chemical magics, Jamboi unleashed a torrent of acidic energy upon the Alpha. Yet, to his surprise, the creature's tough hide seemed impervious to the corrosive assault. Undeterred, the Alpha beat his chest in a primal display of dominance, a futile attempt to bolster his might. Seizing the opportunity, Jamboi unleashed his arsenal of rope-daggers, swinging with astonishing speed and precision towards the Alpha. Manipulating time itself, he accelerated his movements, striking the Alpha with bone-crushing force as his staff collided with the creature's chest. Ribs crunched under the impact, leaving a bloodied imprint upon the Alpha's powerful frame. The creature lay limply, a testament to the Monkey King's lethal blow. But the battle was far from over. Enraged and determined, the Alpha summoned the last reserves of its strength, shaking with fury as it rose once more. With a primal roar, the Alpha grabbed a large rock, crushing it within its massive hands, creating a deadly pile of pebbles. With a mighty fling, the pebbles rained down upon Jamboi. Swiftly, Jamboi retaliated, picking up pebbles from his surroundings and launching them towards the incoming cascade of projectiles, attempting to disrupt their force. Each blow was met with equal ferocity, an intense exchange that left both combatants locked in a seemingly impenetrable deadlock. But suddenly, the Alpha's primal instincts took over. Straining every muscle, he retreated momentarily, beating his chest once more to further stoke his rage, channelling an unparalleled surge of power. The Great Ape, now unmatched in strength, returned to the fray, a force to be reckoned with. It seemed the tide had turned, as Jamboi found himself facing an opponent who surpassed him in raw power. Yet, in the face of overwhelming odds, Jamboi found a glimmer of opportunity. With calculated precision, he exploited a moment of vulnerability in the Alpha's relentless assault. Teleporting behind the towering beast, he unleashed a devastating suplex, slamming the Alpha's head against the unforgiving ground. The impact reverberated through the battleground, rendering the Alpha unconscious and sealing Jamboi's victory. The crowd of apes falls silent, their collective roar replaced by an eerie stillness as the Monkey King emerged triumphant from his fierce encounter. [hr][hr]