[Center][sub][sub][h2][Color=cccccc]Turn 3[/Color][/H2][/sub][/sub][Sup][H3][Color=firebrick]╚═━┈┈━═╝[/Color][/h3][/sup] [H3][Color=greenyellow]Midspring Year 1[/Color][/h3] [Center][sub][table][row][/row][row][cell]Springdawn[/cell][cell]Early Spring[/cell][cell=active]Midspring[/cell][cell]Springsleep[/cell][/row][/table][/sub][/center] [b]Fortune's Favor[/b] returns on time triumphantly, with many a tale of sandy shores and sunny weather. The market hungrily awaits the new luxuries.[Color=cccccc] [@rush99999] You pass the time fishing in the Capitol's murky waters. You catch a sickly looking minnow, unsurprising as the Capitol's waters have seen better days. Perhaps the new currents lapping at the Capitol's shores will bring new fish. [+0.01 to your personal bank if sold] [@Little Bill] You look for exotic birds, but most animals have been eaten during various possibly recent possibly officially didn't happen famines. You look dejectedly at the tough Capitol pigeons, whose beady eyes regard you with disdain. You invite one to sit on your shoulders, dreading tomorrow's laundry. You are not sure where the avid bird watcher popped up from or, curiously, where he disappeared to after your one sided conversation ended. He rambled inanely about various pigeon traits for an uncomfortably long amount of time. One thing did stick with you though - he spoke of a [b]Snow White Dove[/b] that haunted the rooftops of the Capitol on misty mornings. The Queen herself had taken a liking to it, so the stories say. Surely the one who found it would be granted good luck. [@Dark Cloud] While working in the library you are approached by an impeccably dressed fellow with a fancy plumed hat. Ferdinand Rochester, aspiring untested explorer and heartthrob, strikes a suave pose in front of your charts. Satisfied you have naturally been awed by his majesty, he tells you of his suspicions about further islands. He wiggles his impeccably waxed moustache at you, divulging rumours of a land to the [b]North.[/b] The next day the town crier is spreading the news: Ferdinand Rochester will be accumulating sponsors for his Grand Expedition [b]North.[/b] He will accept any donations coming his way, but anyone who pays him [b]3 Sovereigns*[/b] will gain exclusive rights to his charts. [/Color] [hr][hr] [Center][h3]New Mechanics [/h3][/center] [b]Selling to Market:[/b] You can sell your goods to market wth any readable variation of the command below: >Sell to market In the case of The Gentleman of Fortune Company, it must be agreed by all three members when to sell. But once it has been agreed only one member needs to type the command. Then, each member immediately receives an equal share as per their contribution as per the contract (aka y'all get an equal share currently because you all put in 3 Sovereigns). Selling goods is always successful, you do not need to wait for the GM to confirm. [b]New Explorers:[/b] Occasionally NPC explorers will have an inkling of new destinations and seek funding for their voyages. You can Donate to an explorers with any readable variation of the below command: >Donate A sufficiently large donation will guarentee that the Explorer will sell exclusive rights to their charts. The merchant who submits the biggest donation receives the charts. Just like with ships, companies can crowdfund to ensure the exclusivity target is reached. Merchants and Companies can lend, trade or create contracts for use of their charts as they wish. *In the event multiple Merchants or Companies competitively bid for the same exclusivity rights, the largest bid wins and the smaller bids are refunded. In the case of the exclusivity target not being reached, smaller donations can still add to the likelihood of the journey succeeding. The crown looks kindly on those donating to the good of the kingdom, and these selfless endeavours may sometimes generate [b]Royal Favor[/b]. If the exclusivity target is reached by another donator, all small donations will be refunded. [b]Royal Favor:[/b] It is always good to be in with the Queen. Currently, Royal Favour cannot be spent on anything, but rumours swirl of it's priceless value... What doors could this open for you in the future? [b]Fishing:[/b] While waiting for ships you can pass your turn by fishing. Fishing has a chance to fail. You can fish with any readable variation of the below command: >Fish The type of fish available and their value is dependent on ocean currents, which is mysteriously and serendipitously linked to what islands are currently known. Curious that. This does mean that the more treacherous far flung islands can lead to strange sea monsters turning up on shore following ships home, but that kind of long term thinking is for the buffoons of the future to deal with, huzzah! [b]Sacred Animals:[/b] Every Port Town is known for a Sacred Animal that grant bonuses when acquired. Hunting an animal has a chance to fail. You can discover Sacred Animals with any readable variation of the below command: >Hunt The exact nature of the bonuses granted by the Sacred Animal will not be known to you until a successful hunt is completed. But details of it's boons may be gleaned from rumours circulating about it. Merchants tend to remain in the Capitol rather then risking their lives on far flung voyages. So Merchants can employ Envoys to hunt animals in their stead in various ports around the world. Some Envoys will be free, but hunting dangerous animals may incur a cost. [hr][hr] [b]Prices[/b] Sand - 0.5 Sovereigns per Unit. Ship - 9 Sovereigns per Ship [carries 10 units] [b]Ships & Voyages[/b] [b]Fortune's Favour[/b] is docked in the Capitol with [b]10x Sand[/b]. The ship is owned by The Gentleman of Fortune Company. [b]Destinations[/b] [b]NearEastland[/b] - [Color=cccccc]It takes [Color=white][b]2 Turns[/b][/Color] to travel here. Ships return with [Color=white][b]Sand[/b][/Color]. [/Color] [b]Ports[/b] The Great and Regal Capitol!! Hear Hear!! [b]Sacred Animals roaming Free - Unacceptable![/b] The [b]Snow White Dove[/b] haunts the [b]Capitol[/b] on Misty Mornings. 0 cost [b]Fishing Spoils[/b] Sickly Minnow - 0.01, Capitol native species [b]Companies[/b] The Gentleman of Fortune Company [b]Merchants[/b][hider=Merchants] The Brass Bucketeers, BUCKET BRASS & CO! For all your Bucket and Bucket Accessories! [Color=cccccc]Represented by [/Color] [@Dark Cloud] The Bass Buccaneers, Emery Silver's Pirates and Fishmongers! [Color=cccccc]Represented by [/Color] [@rush99999] Rimbo Timbo Tuppence's Thousand-Color Brigade! [Color=cccccc] Represented by [/Color] [@Little Bill][/hider][/center]