[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1TmUAvV.png[/img][/center] Lunara's high priestess remained stoic throughout the first introductions, her eyes seizing both the individuals and their patron deity, at least for those who were present. Hearing Mitstuko's story, Illistrianna couldn't help but feel some sort of respect towards the young woman. While the part about defeating a god in duel was impressive, what the elf found most admirable in her story was how she went from a poor child sinking into the consequences of evil deeds to a hero. It was like a fairy tale, to be honest, but the ways of the gods work in surprising twists. She could relate to working for the well-being of the people. The moon gravitating around Illistrianna still was silent, but it pulsated with a gentle glow. The silver-haired elf hummed positively in response. It looked like Lunara was in agreement with her champion. A most respectable hero indeed. Mitsuko would make a good ally in the battles to come, and so was Amaterasu, from what they could tell. There only was one thing Illistrianna was left to wonder during Mitsuko's speech, but she wouldn't allow her ignorance to make a fool of herself by speaking it out loud. Just what was a rollercoaster? --------------------------------------------- As for Genesis' Herald, there certainly was something noble to be found in what it encompassed. To save everything on the sole principle of love. It was quite an interesting being, for sure. She wondered what a world like its would look like, considering of all the beings present, the champion of Genesis was unlike any other. She'll keep an eye on it for sure. Illistrianna was quite curious about it. The moon rotated silently, darkening. As its introduction fell to silence, the elven priestess took a step forward. She nodded to herself, agreeing to the plan of introducing herself for the sake of camaraderie. Just like before, she bowed slightly to her peers, maintaining a regal and confident allure. [color=6ecff6]"Blessings of the Moon to you all. I am Illistrianna, Lunara's chosen. I have served our bright Mother for as long as I can remember, but it is only recently that she appeared, to grant me the duty of protecting our land from the coming darkness. I endeavor to do my best to support the effort in protecting our worlds, just as it was previously my duty to ensure the well-being of the Night Kingdom as one of the Three Queens."[/color] The moon elf paused, looking at the moon that seemed to shine all the more brightly beside her. In retrospective, she didn't have much to tell about her life. Despite her long life and the many events that happened during her ruling years, her life could simply be resumed as being a devout queen for the most of her life. She didn't need to bother her companions with details that they wouldn't need. She gave a faint earnest smile. [color=6ecff6]"My apologies, I am sure my story is not quite as exciting to share as everyone else's. I suppose having lived as a priestess and a queen lacks a lot of noteworthy eventful moments."[/color] Illistrianna bowed respectfully once more and stepped back to leave the speaking stage to someone else. The moon floated gently around her, pulsating with silver light.