Kayliss's efforts bore fruit, and one of the doll's newly-acquired weapons was torn off the arm it was attached to at its base, far less durable then the larger doll itself had proven to be. And yet, it raised its arm and threw the one it was wielding down sharply, in a bid to hit the assassin with it. Urden was of course able to block one of the thrusting limbs, but the other was swift to swing in from the side, in a bit to skewer the mercenary through his torso. Sir Roger's timely intervention was key, clashing with the razor-edged blade and sending it off-course, the doll recoiling and shifting back with its two remaining weapons in order to resume its frantic thrusting, attempting to re-arm itself with another pilfered limb from a nearby doll. Starshine blazed bright once more. "Thank you, Sir Istvan," Velvetica responded, her blue eyes narrowing at the construct, "I shall indeed." Her opening was in this very instant. With the remaining dolls distracted, and the monstrous one temporarily in retreat, she had only an instant to make her attack. She would ensure the doll would be finished. The blonde girl took one step forward, her cape fluttering as she moved, raising Starshine parallel to her head, the hilt in both hands. An opening, on the side where she removed one of its limbs, its arms lunging for Sir Roger and Urden. The girl erupted forward. Strike swiftly. Strike truly. Pierce. The light built, brighter now, along Starshine's blade, glowing more intensely by the moment, illuminating the chamber, the broken forms of the fallen dolls. She reached the doll's undefended flank in an instant. "Shatter!" With Velvetica's command, Starshine's light grew brighter, casting the entire room in its glow, and with a flash it erupted forward. A chunk of the doll's waist was suddenly gone, evaporated in a single blow, the construct teetering, unable to hold up much longer as further cracks ran through its frame. It was still a threat, but now its crumbling body had been sent off-course, its limbs flailing. A sold blow to the upper torso would finish it...! "Finish it now!" [@Raineh Daze][@Rin][@AzureKnight][@Psyker Landshark][@The Otter][@VKAllen][@Eisenhorn][@Crimson Paladin][@Conscripts][@HereComesTheSnow][@Octo][@PigeonOfAstora]