[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/ae/eb/ocUYlAgL_o.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=ed1c24]"On that, we are in agreement. They will need saving."[/color] The dragon's human form rushed forward and Trypano was already on the move herself. [color=ed1c24]"We are in broad agreement and can table this for later."[/color] They emerged into the blinding light of the afternoon sun reflecting off of the stark white snow. Already, a massive chunk had broken off of the mountain's glacier and was sliding downwards. _ So it was they set forth, Trypano the binder and Wu the Lung, to save the people trapped atop the perilous mountain. As a result of the explosion much of core foundation was shaking, From the high up peaks much of the ice and rocks were now breaking. It was decided that Trypano would catch any rubble that would slip through the barrier Wu Long would maintain. She ran to and fro, saving many people on the extreme ends of the path. From the old and weak to the young and strong Trypano saved many with great help from Wu Long. They were well on their way to sparing these people the mountain's wrath. One soul laid in the smoldering snow, crumpled in a heap with a smoking hole in his chest. The young mage named Rikard was burnt from head to toe but that wasn't even the worst hit as his bones were crushed, his organs bled and his chest had a crown imbedded in it. Trypano had a lot of work in store to save this one and little time to rest. _ Examining his condition it appeared the heat that the crown underwent left it hot enough to cauterize the wound it left. He wouldn't bleed out, at least not from there. It was his insides that needed more luck as the force of the shockwave had ruptured a fair amount of the softer tissued organs. It was a miracle he was still alive really. She began reconstruction of the cell walls while breaking down blockages and administering anesthetics directly into his system. Even if his manas wanted to stop her from doing what she wanted to him in the state he was in it would be struggle for them to even try. once his circulatory track was patched she considered defibrillation but figured he'd had enough electrocution and decided to inject him with adrenaline instead. With that kick to his system his heart got to beating again but there was another issue: The crown had punctured a lung. Acting fast to make sure he didn't drown in his own blood she opened a pathway for his lung to drain. One functioning lung was better than two so long as the other one didn't start spitting blood back up into the respiratory system. The mountain was continuing to scatter forth rocks however so this would have to do. Her help might not of fixed what was wrong completely but he was now flush with enough opioids to make a poppy farmer's jaw drop. _ What came after was little more than the tail-end of the avalanche, fewer rocks rolling at fewer people as most others were plucked from the snow by her hand and sent off while all others had fled. Once she was finished she had to return and finish the work she had started on Rikard. Finally removing the dented crown which was most surprisingly intact from the steaming hole in his chest she was able to seal the wound, getting to work returning his lung to working order. After that it was a simple matter of knitting his bones back together and running cleanup to make sure no embolisms start making their way up the stream. Within a few minutes he was able to return to his feet, fueled largely with painkillers and adrenaline to make up for the overall battered condition of his body. She wrought crutches from some local branches together using her binding and continued on with Wu Long to go see what had become of the main dispatch crew that had accompanied them up here. It appeared Ingrid and those in her company were alright, although they still appeared to be in something of an argument even though the mood wasn't terribly sour towards the focus of their topic. Meanwhile in her purse a neat old trinket now sat, far from pristine, along with a couple of slimes of varying color and quality. [hr] Involved - [@dragonpiece],[@Force and Fury],[@YummyYummy],[@pantothenic],[@McKennaJ71],[@Ti].