[center][b]Mario[/b][/center] Did Iikka think that they were idiots? Why in the world would they need a wine aerator? Underage drinking? Well, that would probably explain why Iikka has had trouble with the law (such as beating that one girl to a pulp). He probably had some alcohol in his system. It was obvious that Iikka was attempting to direct Max’s attention towards Mario rather than himself (and towards Jason) so that they might be able to sneak away. Mario was not going to allow that to happen. “I have no idea what he is talking about.” Mario finally said, in response to Iikka trying to pawn Max onto him. “Why don’t you tell us about it already? I mean, by how quickly words travel through the grapevine in this small town, we probably will know what it is sooner or later. Might as well spill the beans now.” And Mario highly doubted that Melissa told Max in person that he had won another track event. While he thought that it was perfectly plausible for her to have heard it from someone, as the town was pretty small, but that Melissa told Max in person, highly unlikely. However, Mario just took the complement. “Um...Thanks?” Mario said. “Oh, and on the Rubick’s Cube. I have only solved one once, and that was after I found a website on the internet that showed you all the exact moves to solve the puzzle. I probably could learn how to solve it on my own, but it is too much of a hassle.” Mario hoped that his few comments had distracted them from the most obvious comment that could have been made. Max asked about what Wii games would be good for her brothers and there was one obvious answer. The Super Mario Brothers. Mario cringed a little when he heard that company’s name, let alone their game console. He just hoped that the (in)famous plumber and his brother would not be mentioned in this conversation.