[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230523/591dce0bf51d338111f448ad7ed4205b.png[/img][/center] Titus listened intently as Mort launched into her usual monologuing. It had become pretty clear that she liked the sound of her own voice, but then, so did Titus. The controversial nature of her sermon was not lost on The Snake. Of course, being a necromancer was probably a little more alarming to the general public than anything she had to say. It was intriguing though; the idea that divine morality didn't, at all, exist. Titus had always operated under the assumption that he only had one life and he would do with it what he needed to, and deal with the consequences of judgement when that day inevitably came. But what if God didn't actually malign certain kinds of criminals - those who stole from the rich, for example? What if there was indeed a multitude of moral codes that one might live by and still be considered 'good?' [i]It is an interesting prospect, at the very least.[/i] When Mort braided her tide-water hair into a style more practical for the coming obstacle course, Titus gave her a nod. "Good idea." Then the first stage of the plan began, although not how Titus had imagined it. The young man's eyes narrowed as he craned his neck to get an obscured sighting on the cell of his allies. Rizx had gone rogue already - not much of a problem seeing as a rogue was exactly what she was understood to be. It was only natural. Titus only watched intently to hope and pray that the activity was enough to get the job done. Mort threw in a few words to add confusion to the guard, who... Went inside. [i]Yessss.[/i] Now it was up to the Mihn and Maxim.