Ashe walked forward, leading the group on. Fyr and Dal finally catching up to her. Each having something new in their hands but questions could wait. They needed to escape and do that fast. Eventually, strong light could be seen from further away from their position. Eventually the group finally stepped out of the cave into the desert, the midday sun was beating down upon them, casting harsh shadows across the vast expanse of golden sand. The air was dry and arid, causing their throats to feel parched and their skin to tingle with the heat. The contrast between the cool darkness of the cave and the blistering heat outside was striking. As they surveyed their surroundings, their attention was drawn to a collection of mining equipment placed just outside the cave entrance. Pickaxes, shovels, and other tools were scattered about, bearing signs of recent use. The desert wind blew faint traces of sand over them. "[color=gold]I like adventure as much as the next guy but let's not repeat that again, alright?[/color]" said Ashe she shielded her eyes from the sun with one hand. With the other hand, she opened Gywn's journal, trying to make sense of it before the others reached up to her.