Jeremy watched the girl go, eyes sparkling. She disappeared around the corner and he turned to leave as well, lamenting that he probably wouldn't see her again for some time. As he did, he brushed something with his foot and looked down. There was a handful of wrapped candies at his feet. He knelt down and picked them up with his good arm - they must have belonged to the girl. Jeremy squinted at them as he examined them. He could theoretically treat it as a reward (they weren't much, but better than the cans, he supposed), but they technically weren't his. Well, candy didn't have an expiration date so he could just hold on to them. Jeremy pocketed the candies and went on his way. Despite a rather dour first impression, and some minor muscle soreness, he had come away from the encounter rather positively, in his opinion. He could return the candy if he ever saw her again, and if he didn't, then he could eat them. He wondered when next they would meet. He wondered what her name was too. Now that he thought about it, had he given her his name? He wondered what the candies tasted like... Unbeknownst to himself, Jeremy was beaming as he walked home. [@Crowvette]