Well you're certainly welcome! So I'm planning to write up town details and a character sheet this weekend(the weekend for me includes Monday, just saying that ahead of time lol) but I'm at work right now. For today, I'll probably pop in occasionally to say things like: "Magician" is an official title, like a medical doctor. You can't just call yourself one, you have to actually attend school and pass exams. Someone who practices magic without passing official exams is called a witch(this term is gender neutral). Not all professional magic users are fully qualified magicians, witches can be employed in all kinds of fields. If they do magic for money, [i]technically[/i] they are supposed to be registered with a state governing body. I like my players playing a roll in world building, so if you want to write up a town feature to submit, feel free! I may make some small tweaks before adding it to the town's lore, but I'd love to see what people want to add.