I've got some tentative interest and possible character concept in mind, though some information regarding intended direction would help sway that interest one way or another. One curiousity is how many years of learning before a student graduates, I assume at least 6 considering there are classes denoted as 5th year and up only. Is this like some alternative schooling for those with the gift? Something like a full school course depending on how old someone is? That's kind of the vibe I've been getting. As for character concept, depending on how long students are intended to be in the academy before graduating I could go two differing directions for the same character. One being a relatively fresh face there to learn about her "gift" and the other intended to be the same character a good few years after adjusting and finding her stride. In either case the idea is someone with a streak of luck that is either incredibly fortunate or unfortunate depending on point of view, and a strong focus on artifice. Particularly the creation of artificial limbs and organs... Primarily to replace the ones she's lost lmao.