[@Crimson Flame] Great question. Id say the technology is mostly gaslamp fantasy mixed with some magitech influences when it's convenient lol For example, the Portal Room and the skyships are more magitech in nature, but students don't have cellphones or flashlights, they send letters and use magical lamps to light their way through a dark corridor. Everyday living conveniences/"technologies" are gonna more magical Edwardian in nature. Think, Howls Moving Castle, right? The technology is of the Edwardian Era (so slight steampunk influences may be present in this RP too), but the fuel for everything is Vitesse (mana), the real power is magical. Just specific things may lean more into the magi-tech realm because it serves the narrative or plot, but those aspects are only vestiges within the grand scheme of a world that lies squarely within the magical gaslamp fantasy realm. So most things will have an Edwardian European vintage flare to them (with some quasi-modern European aesthetics, like the school uniform is very modern Europe). That includes the technology, like magical guns do exist as does the classic sword and shield. Both may have an Edwardian fantasy gaslamp look to them, but function in a quasi-modern magi-tech sort of way, fueled by magic. In some ways, this world is more aesthetic than practical. And that's okay. That's basically Howls Moving Castle in some regards anyways. Hope that answers your question...clearly enough lol Cheers!