Tamaki pretended to ignore the voice. She knew that Digimon: Emergence was incredibly popular, but she wasn't one for battling face-to-face. Sure, she'd battle players over the web, but face-to-face? Nope. She was always nervous around people. The young woman glanced up at a bench across from her. Another girl had decided to take a seat, her eyes glued to her phone. Her clothing looked like it had seen much better days, as if she had no idea how to properly wash her clothes. [i]Not everyone has to learn early like you did[/i], Tamaki thought. The girl looked to be around Tamaki's age. God only knew why she was wearing a hoodie during summer. Was it a comfort thing? Tamaki understood that kind of thinking. Having something that acted as a sort of security blanket was something she herself hadn't completely grown out of. Tamaki glanced at her phone's battery level. [i]Should last a while[/i], she thought. Her mind began to wander a little bit, namely to that story she'd read on Nichan. There were all kinds of urban legends that went around. Aka Manto, the Curse of the Colonel, the Kuchisake-onna. It seemed only natural that some kind of weird stories would pop up around something popular like Digimon: Emergence, especially on the internet. Hell, she still remembered an urban legend in some dinosaur-hunting game from the 90's talking about a troll or demon that would could appear on the first map of the game. There was no proof, aside from a few blurry pictures that wouldn't be out of place in a gallery of Bigfoot pictures. She glanced up at the girl again. Something in her wanted to speak up, to say hello. But she held her tongue. [i]Odds are she'd think I'm weird, like that guy[/i], Tamaki thought, her eyes flitting quickly to the young man nearby. [@tobiax][@The World]