[quote=@Alfhedil] Excellent, that works pretty well with both ideas I had in mind and gives me a bit of a better idea on how to work things. Okay so, with a bit more thonking involved and reworking some old ideas for the same character, the idea I'm leaning more towards is this. Sixth or Seventh year at most, but right around 20 either way and someone quite specialized in artifice due to her mentor. Workshopping an NPC here, a rather old man who's been around the Academy for #awhile and for a brief time fought in the 72 Year Liberation Wars as [i][b]Tyren the Boneweaver[/b][/i] for his combination of in-depth medical and artifice knowledge, but he's not really inclined to speak about those times simply referring to how he helped put people back together after the war. He's basically teaching Corrine(Just the first name for now for convenience lol) everything he knows about artifice and doing his best to steer her down the path of building and repairing, though she's not even near his level yet. There's more to the relationship between the two, but most I'll say for now is that it was Tyren who brought her to the Academy after putting her back together from a rather traumatic event. And on the other end of the character, aside from her skill with artifice and love for making her own replacement parts, I was leaning towards the idea of her being older for a bit of a theme I like for this one in particular. That idea being that she's got a bit of a reputation for heroics and taking on rather dangerous missions through the portals. All sorts of rumors about how she's done this and that, how each trip through the portal is some epic saga. In truth, she's an absolute disaster and is winging it. Which is why she's more artifice than person at this point and to those who really know her feel she's more of a bad luck charm than anything. Like, she's almost a magnet for bad stuff lol. But hey, she makes it work [i]somehow[/i]. [img]https://i.imgur.com/raeZbAD.png[/img] This is excellent, as I was going to rock a bit of a arcane/magitech gunslinger vibe with Corrine lmao. Also discord is pretty convenient, just to add in from above. [/quote] [h3][color=7ea7d8]AEOLIAN[/color][/h3] Wonderful character concept. Very cool indeed! The ideas you have really help to flesh her out in this world and make her more well-rounded and real. Although you won't be happy to read this lol But I only mentioned magical guns as an example of something that does exist in the world. [color=7ea7d8]Students at the academy don't use weapons. It's not an academy thing[/color]. Those weapons would be used by the Royal Guard, which is something a student might aspire to be after graduation. Now, if you're character's artificing skills help them, to say, create some kind of makeshift magical gun-like weapon for just herself, then I think that would be okay since she's a senior student and may have gotten permission from a professor to use it. Kind of like Forge from X-men uses his power to create magi-techy weapons for himself, but just himself. Weapons aren't something just readily available to students at the academy. They must rely on their magical gifts for combat and not everyone has a gift that is well-suited for combat. And that's okay. They can be useful in other ways. It's funny, I went back and forth on whether or not students used weapons like guns, wands, swords, bow and arrows, etc. I even had created an Armory room and art for it at one point while drafting. Ultimately, I decided against it because I don't necessarily want this RP to be a fight fight fight fight fight kind of RP where everyone can run into any dangerous situation guns a blazing. I liked the more X-men approach, where students have to be more clever in combat situations because they are limited to the capabilities and weaknesses of their magical gift and nothing else. This also would require more thoughtful teamwork and would allow non-combat focused characters opportunities to shine in their own unique way. Guns and weapons and such kind of oversimplify any dangerous situation. So ultimately yeah, students don't use guns and weapons LOL [hr] [quote=@Emeth] I can begin working on a character as soon as you have a sheet. Gonna have some fun with this one for sure. Are you Discordly inclined, by the way? [/quote] [h3][color=7ea7d8]AEOLIAN[/color][/h3] Wonderful. I'm working on the character sheet now. Repurposing one I created for a 1x1 RP I semi-started with someone a while back. And I am considering a Discord. I'm not strictly opposed to it so long as everyone is Respectful of one another. That's REALLY big for me. I've seen Discords divulge into pettiness, personal attacks and really toxic behavior. Soooo, I'm not sure I'll start one for this RP, but I won't say no definitively. Giving it thoughtful consideration. Again, respect and kindness is KEY. Even if people disagree about something, it should be discussed with civility and maturity, no matter what. [hr] [quote=@Emeth] I'll be crossing my fingers that my idea isn't too similar to yours! I'm probably doing a character who's not very useful in combat. Hopefully that's okay. [/quote] [h3][color=7ea7d8]AEOLIAN[/color][/h3] It is totally okay for your character to have a non-combat-oriented gift. They can shine and be useful in other capacities. Combat is only one element of this RP, so non-combat-focused characters are just as important to flesh out this story. Also, it is okay for characters to have similar gifts, so long as they're not completely identical. [hr] [quote=@Silver Carrot] The moment I read that part about Psychiccers being mistrusted I knew I had to have my character being either a telepath or an empath, and have them be a friendless girl with a privacy-invasive power, who tries to overcompensate by being bubbly and agreeable. [/quote] [h3][color=7ea7d8]AEOLIAN[/color][/h3] That is a perfectly plausible characterization for a Mystic Psychiccer and makes sense due to the cultural implications. Nuanced takes like this add to the dark undertones I mentioned will be present in this RP. Excellent. :)