I'm not the [i]most[/i] active in group RPs but I've only ever seen one member of one Discord server from this site stir up trouble. They wrote some stuff that broke forum rules and kinda ignored the main plot in general, so I consider them a pretty special case. I've never used Discord for anything else except keeping in touch with a few RL friends, but I could imagine random servers for subreddits getting pretty toxic. It's not an issue I've run into with RPGuild though, but alas, I do a lot of lurking in the 1x1 section mostly, so my opinion might not be the most representative. I'm working on my character now, actually. Her ability that falls in the telepath/empath category is something I've wanted to play for a long time but never found the right RP for it. Basically, she can see the connections between people, visually represented as threads of various colors, texture and thickness. By touching them, she can directly feel how others feel about each other, and by plucking them like a stringed instrument, she might hear a stray thought or two. By implication, she [i]should[/i] be able to manipulate those threads somehow, like strengthening/weakening or outright creating/breaking them, but because of some childhood trauma, she has an extreme aversion to messing with them too much. She has another ability which works kind of like a heavily nerfed version of Koishi's ability from the Touhou series. She can slip away from the collective consciousness of everyone around her and become imperceptible, but there's tons of limitations on it due to her inexperience. It's probably more comparable to being Anonymous/Blended in Assassin's Creed if you've ever played or watched one of those. Basically, if she does anything that's too high-profile (like tripping over her own two feet), her cloak fails and she becomes perceptible again. I have a cute idea that she could be using this ability to attend more than six classes on the sly, but let me know if that's chronologically impossible. I currently have a half-baked idea that she has "The Kiss" but one of her aeonhearts is kinda funky, so she intermittently loses access to one of her abilities and a good chunk of her vitesse. She spends an unusual amount of time in the infirmary as a result, which could lead to some inconvenient questions being asked. I'm thinking she hasn't been found out yet since one of her abilities is an easily kept secret and the other helps her escape unwanted attention. I think making her a first year would be fun too so there's that in the cards. So, a mixed bag of pretty powerful abilities with pretty powerful weaknesses, and unlikely to see combat (of her own volition).