[quote=@Aeolian] Wonderful character concept. Very cool indeed! The ideas you have really help to flesh her out in this world and make her more well-rounded and real. Although you won't be happy to read this lol But I only mentioned magical guns as an example of something that does exist in the world. [color=7ea7d8]Students at the academy don't use weapons. It's not an academy thing[/color]. Those weapons would be used by the Royal Guard, which is something a student might aspire to be after graduation. Now, if you're character's artificing skills help them, to say, create some kind of makeshift magical gun-like weapon for just herself, then I think that would be okay since she's a senior student and may have gotten permission from a professor to use it. Kind of like Forge from X-men uses his power to create magi-techy weapons for himself, but just himself. Weapons aren't something just readily available to students at the academy. They must rely on their magical gifts for combat and not everyone has a gift that is well-suited for combat. And that's okay. They can be useful in other ways. It's funny, I went back and forth on whether or not students used weapons like guns, wands, swords, bow and arrows, etc. I even had created an Armory room and art for it at one point while drafting. Ultimately, I decided against it because I don't necessarily want this RP to be a fight fight fight fight fight kind of RP where everyone can run into any dangerous situation guns a blazing. I liked the more X-men approach, where students have to be more clever in combat situations because they are limited to the capabilities and weaknesses of their magical gift and nothing else. This also would require more thoughtful teamwork and would allow non-combat focused characters opportunities to shine in their own unique way. Guns and weapons and such kind of oversimplify any dangerous situation. So ultimately yeah, students don't use guns and weapons LOL[/quote] Despite building what would otherwise be a fairly combat heavy character, there was actually the idea of leaning more on the artifice side of things for her lol. Like, yeah on one hand in my head there was the gunslinger with artificed revolvers and some kind of 1600's style magitech wheel-lock repeating rifle going on monster hunts with the class or using specialized ammunition during the magic duels mentioned in the OP for the Colosseum or Dueling Room. Then on the other there was the idea of exploring the entire concept of actually making these things and testing them in something like the Halls of Artifice or whatever kinds of workshops they may have. Things like building new arms and legs, new and [i]hopefully[/i] improved tools for expeditions, and of course a vitesse controlled laser eye. You know, to replace the one she lost lmao. But yeah, I totally get trying to lean more towards the actual school-life aspect of X-Men rather than what we usually get from it, though I would say that there could still be a place for things like weapons training and hunting classes. I mean, not every jaunt through a portal is going to be a nice and relaxing one, right? [quote] And I am considering a Discord. I'm not strictly opposed to it so long as everyone is Respectful of one another. That's REALLY big for me. I've seen Discords divulge into pettiness, personal attacks and really toxic behavior. Soooo, I'm not sure I'll start one for this RP, but I won't say no definitively. Giving it thoughtful consideration. Again, respect and kindness is KEY. Even if people disagree about something, it should be discussed with civility and maturity, no matter what. [/quote] [quote=@LuckyBlackCat] As for Discord, in my experience RPs with them last longer than RPs without, but yeah toxic people are a concern. I RP with a few people here though, namely Crimson Flame, TheNoCoKid and Emeth, and can attest that they're respectful. [/quote] Having been around the forums for a bit now, I do feel that while there is a downside to Discord in that it can direct more conversations away from the thread and present the appearance of inactivity, there is a much greater benefit to having it from the expedience of character planning, the ability to quickly and dynamically develop pre-existing character relations, and of course the most important thing of all... A place to shitpost without disrupting the thread lmao. But also, while I don't really know many of the people who have expressed interest so far, that at least means that most of the people here are alright enough that they don't have a reputation for themselves lmao. [i]That I know of...[/i]