[color=00AEFF]”I’m with you on the politics.”[/color] Vigdis agreed, trying to find an anatomical drawing of a human for Kareet to copy into her notes. [color=00AEFF]”Well, the easiest, though in this case not very useful, way to define a Human would be ‘the dominant species on Earth’. Unlike here, with Tekeri, Glen, Gar'Tan's species and whatever Shirik is, we are the only intelligent species where we come from, although there are small differences, subtypes you could call them, based on which part of the world our ancestors lived in. You've already seen some of these: eye and skin color, hair color and type, etcetera. For example: Those hailing from warm climates are lankier and have darker skin. The dark pigment protects us from the sun’s light which can be harmful if overexposed, and greater skin area aids in cooling. Conversely, those who trace their origins to cold climates, such as myself, tend to be shorter and more stocky, since the protective pigment is not necessary and the lower surface-area-to-volume ratio impedes heat dissipation.”[/color] She finally found something she could use - a picture of the [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/02/Pioneer_plaque.svg/1280px-Pioneer_plaque.svg.png]Pioneer Plaque[/url] - and placed the tablet on the crate Kareet was using as a desk. Good enough for what she needed at the time, Vigdis just hoped Kareet wouldn’t start asking about the plaque too much as it contained things she didn’t understand. [color=00AEFF]”We're not the only ‘smart’ ones on Earth, there are numerous animal species capable of things such as using tools and thinking for the future, but we’re the only species who developed civilization. We are social mammals, living in groups and giving birth to and nursing live young, rarely more than one. And like you, we are omnivores requiring a varied diet to avoid long-term health problems. Our ancestors were endurance hunters, running their prey down until it dropped from exhaustion, but we get most of our food from farming and raising cattle these days. Why work hard when you can work smart?”[/color] ‘There also isn’t that much wild prey left’ She thought, but didn’t say. [color=00AEFF]”By now you've no doubt figured out for yourself that we like to be out and about during the day and that none of us posses magical abilities. Out of curiosity, are other intelligent species on Kanth-Aremek nocturnal, or just Tekeri?”[/color]