[center][img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81FlwlzzyiL._AC_UL1500_.jpg[/img] [sub][i]"Thou spiritual sun, Satan, thou eye, thou lust! Cry aloud, cry aloud![/i][/sub][/center] [hr][hr][h3][u]▬▬ Overview ▬▬[/u][/h3]Hello all, I have decided to go through with that smut int check I mentioned in the status bar a while back. Before I go any further however, some info about me and what I'm looking for versus what I'm not. First and foremost, you need to be an adult (18+) if you want to write anything listed here with me. That's non-negotiable as I don't feel comfortable writing material of this nature with minors. I myself am 23, male (cisgender), and if it matters also bi (I like feminine men and tomboyish women who can snap my spine like a twig, sue me). Second, I'm looking for smut and smut only -- basically porn without much, if any, plot. While I'm not opposed to worldbuilding a bit just to set scenarios up or establish settings, or using sheets and in general adding details or depth to make the main writing better, I'm not really looking for incredibly long and complex plots or slow burns where romance is either an end goal or side element of a larger story. Third, my posting schedule is rather relaxed. Literally once per week and that's it. There's no rush if you can't think of anything immediately either, though do feel free to let me know and maybe we can brainstorm something together. Regarding ghosting, please just let me know if you're no longer interested. I'm not going to hate you because you've lost motivation or want to write something else. Shit, that's basically my M.O. and everyone's busy. Additionally, I ask that you put in at least some effort when it comes to grammar and spelling so I have a clear idea of what it is you're trying to do/convey, but beyond that I marked this as free for a reason. While it certainly can be poetic, again we'll be writing smut, not Shakespeare. I am completely fine, therefore, with one-liners if that's all a scene needs. Finally, I don't care what gender you are in real life. I can write with pretty much anyone. Pairings, plots, kinks and no-go's will be listed below. Also, it should go without saying that this will be done completely in and over PM's due to the material involved. If you are interested then feel free to shoot me a message. [h3][u]▬▬ Plots & Pairings ▬▬[/u][/h3][hider=Click to View] The following is a list of basic plots and pairings I have in mind. More to be added as I think of them. [b][u]Plots[/u][/b] [list] [*][b]Fall From Grace:[/b] What happens when an angel falls? When a being so perfect and mighty descends to the deepest, darkest pits of sin and gluttony? Well I don't know about you, but I'd like to find out. So far I've conceived of two ways this could go. One where it's more of a seductive endeavor, e.g. a demon seduces an angel or angelic/celestial being to the dark side by encouraging them to indulge in their basest desires, and the other where it's more straightforward and blunt. E.g. a demonic or malevolent entity drags said celestial or angelic being into the depths of depravity by force, corrupting them against their will over time until there is no difference between them and their tormentor. ‎ [*][b]First Contact:[/b] An alien or eldritch being makes its way to Earth, or whatever planet YC happens to inhabit, not looking to cause destruction or death, but to engage in a matters of a more... [i]hedonistic[/i] variety. Granted, your character is not immediately clued in on this fact, so the first contact between them might be a tad rocky to start with, but passion can soothe all things. At least in this reality. I could also switch things up and have it be an encounter with an AI or machine intelligence of some sort. Maybe even a symbiote or some such. Regardless, I expect this to get weird. ‎ [*][b]Primal Greetings:[/b] I'll be honest, I'm willing to be flexible in regards to the characters involved in this, but I do want there to be a heavy primitive/primal/ancient element to it. Think like Neolithic and similar, that kind of thing. Could be a first contact situation between two separate tribes, a human and a fantastical creature, or something else entirely. ‎ [*][b]Here Be Dragons:[/b] Literally just something with dragons or dragon adjacent characters/creatures. Whether this takes the form of the classic dragon kidnapping the princess plot or something more unique like a pirate dragonborn is largely up to whatever we agree on. ‎ [*][b]The Devil Came a Knocking:[/b] Lucifer has managed to make his way out of the ninth circle of Hell, not for petty conquest or to unleash the apocalypse, but to indulge in an entire night's worth of pure unadulterated debauchery. The only night he ever gets to do such things as a matter of fact, with the remainder of his time being spent in the pit as per his divinely appointed punishment. It is midway into this wild endeavor that he comes across your character at a local rave, after which both of your nights get a whole lot crazier... [/list] [b][u]Pairings[/u][/b] [list] [*]M/M. [*]M/F. [*]F/Futa. [*]F/F. [*]Angel/Demon. [*]God/Mortal. [*]God/God or Goddess. [*]Eldritch Entity/Mortal. [*]Eldritch Entity/Eldritch Entity. [*]Anthro Characters. [*]MILFs, PAWGS, etc. [*]Femboys/Twinks. [*]Other, to cover things I can't think of right now. Feel free to talk with me about any pairings you might have. I should be able to accommodate most, if not all of them. [/list] [/hider] [h3][u]▬▬ Kink's & No-Go's ▬▬[/u][/h3][hider=Click to View] The following is a list of basic kinks I have or wouldn't mind writing, as well as things that are no-go's for me. [b][u]Kinks[/u][/b] [list] [*]Vanilla, missionary and the like. [*]Excessive cum. [*]Belly bulge. [*]Dub-con/Consensual Non-Consent. [*]Large genitalia. [*]Inhuman/Strange genitalia. [*]Rough sex. [*]Anal play/Sex. [*]Orgies. [*]Gangbang. [*]Bukkake. [*]Furry/Anthro. [*]Breeding. [*]Tentacles, meat walls, and so on. [*]Futanari, genderswapping, other things of that nature. [*]Futuristic/Science Fiction. Think zero-g sex and whatnot. Machines also fall here. [*]Honestly just send me a PM with some ideas of things you'd like to write and we can settle on something I'm sure. [/list] [b][u]No-Go's[/u][/b] [list] [*]Underage characters or anything with minors. [*]Gore. [*]Scat. [*]NTR. [*]Somnophilia. [*]Sounding. [*]Anything involving eyes or ears. Once again, though, feel free to discuss this with me further over PMs. [/list] [/hider]