[center][h2][color=BB2F56]Ichiban[/color][/h2] [b]Lv. 3[/b] [color=BB2F56]███████[/color]███████████████████████ [hider=Stats] [b][color=fa0200]Passion[/color] Lv. 1 (1/10) [color=07fbfe]Confidence[/color] Lv. 1 (1/10) [color=fea508]Charisma[/color] Lv. 1 (0/10) [color=fc36c4]Kindness[/color] Lv. 1 (0/10) [color=c5fd60]Intellect[/color] Lv. 1 (1/10) [color=fd31fd]Style[/color] Lv. 1 (0/10)[/b] [/hider] [b]Pizza Tower - Ancient Cheese[/b][/center] Breaching the level's entrance, Ichiban stopped a few steps in to take in his surroundings. A large swath of [url=https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/archive/reviews/games/uncharted-review.media/Uncharted_fort-leap_03.jpg]ancient ruins[/url] sat before him, each brick a piece of cheese, each statue or decoration lovingly sculpted out of cheese, and generally just being very, very cheesy. Mold grew on a lot of the ruins, taking the appearance of overgrown vegetation. [color=BB2F56]"Eugh, I hate bleu cheese,"[/color] Ichiban grumbled. [color=BB2F56]"But I guess I can't leave it out in case those trolls like it."[/color] Having expected a serious scuffle to obtain his cheese, Ichiban found that the level wasn't all to hostile towards him. The hardest part was getting around - he was forced to take circuitous routes, clamber up helpfully guide-marked brick walls, leap across chasms, and etc. But the enemies left him alone, for the most part, a veritable army of Cheeseslimes milling around the space, too clueless to do anything except gloop around and stare vacantly upwards. Their biggest threat was slipping Ichiban up and sending him plummeting to his cheesy doom. Meandering and bumbling his way through the obstacle course of ruins, Ichiban had plenty of time to both admire the locale and collect the goods. Hunks of various cheeses were easily broken off from the walls (sometimes as handhelds that came right off in moments of sheer terror), which Ichiban greedily stuffed in his sacks. He walked through a delicately detailed [url=https://i.imgur.com/TSN3g18.png]courtyard[/url] about halfway through the level. [color=BB2f56]"Jackpot!"[/color] He took his time, since it seemed like nothing was after him just yet, taking provolone pedestal toppers and feta frescos for the loot. He didn't want to linger too much, though, everyone was counting on him! Eventually, Ichiban reached the level's Pillar John, taking only a second to contemplate the living, sentient, heavy-breathing support structure before turning his attention to his task. [color=BB2F56]"Man, I dunno if I can grab enough cheese,"[/color] he thought aloud. Already he was nearing full capacity and barely had enough for a dozen pies. [color=BB2F56]"Two bags wasn't enough at all. Maybe I can come back for round two?"[/color] Steeling his nerve, Ichiban charged the Pillar John, bashing into it with a heavy dropkick, toppling him right over. The whole room - the entire ruins - rumbled ominously. [color=bb2f56]"Guess that's my cue to book it!"[/color] Ichiban turned about face and sprinted the way he came. He was dreading the climb back down, but huge blocks of tiny purple faces had appeared in his path, helpfully(?) funneling him down a completely different route, one that was more straightforward to get around, though still lousy with obnoxious Cheeseslimes and precarious platforming. Still, Ichiban was prepared from the trek through the level the first time, so as the clock ticked down he traversed his way back to the exit with ease. Just as he neared the wonderful sight of the open doorway, he skidded to a halt, kicking up a dustcloud of cheese. Right across from the exit, a few paces and one large leap away, was a tall [url=https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/cpb0xs8LsMolDDFQZO4Z307yMKk=/1400x1400/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19931191/Uncharted_Drakes_Fortune_Chapter_6_treasure_1.jpg]tower[/url] made, much the same as the rest of the ruins, out of cheese. He barely had to think twice. He tossed both full sacks of cheese through the doorway before turning towards the tower: his new target. [color=bb2f56]"Alright you leanin' tower of pizza,"[/color] he taunted the inanimate building, [color=bb2f56]"let's do this!!"[/color] A dash, a yell, and a leap, Ichiban soared through the air for the second time in the same amount of days, crashing through some brittle brie bars, tumbling into a middle floor of the tower. Wasting as little time as possible, with mere seconds left for Pizza Time, Ichiban rushed down several flights of stairs to a lower floor, around the second or third, and started to beat into the wall. [color=bb2f56]"Take! This! You! Stupid! Tower!"[/color] Ichiban punched and kicked the blocks of cheeses making up the tower, succeeding in wedging them loose and knocking them freeze, like a sticky game of Jenga. Eventually Ichiban had bashed enough bricks away to cause the structure to shift: it was about to topple, and that meant it was time to run again. Ichiban hurried back up the stairs as the tower tilted, steadily at first, then suddenly all at once as its weight came down on its weakened foundation. [color=bb2f56]"Shit shit shit shit shit shit-"[/color] Ichiban took the stairs three at a time, just as a long, droning [i]ding[/i] sounded, followed by a malicious laughter coming from everywhere at once. [color=bb2f56]"Aw hell!"[/color] Ichiban was thrown down as the tower fell, aimed right for where the exit sat, door wide open for anyone - or any[i]thing[/i] - to leave through. A thunderous crash rose in volume from the other side of the level's entrance, and with it came a total avalanche of cheese, bricks and hunks and peddles worth of it crashing through into the hall. After the cheese dust settled, a massive pile of the stuff sat, blocking up Ancient Cheese's entrance entirely. Ichiban was nowhere in sight. ...until a section of the cheese pile shivered, and an arm burst through the side, one in a maroon sleeve, giving one hell of a thumbs up. [i]Level clear![/i][hr][center][color=bb2f56]892 Words +2 EXP[/color][/center]