[color=95A5A6][b]> Inspect the illuminated table on the right. <[/b][/color] [hr] The soft clapping sound of your boots against the cold stone floor echoed through this entry chamber as you made your way to the table. Your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, the very edges of the room barely coming into view in the corners of your vision, beyond any genuine reach of the torch. The table however, sat squarely underneath the wall sconce, the contents of it cast under the amber glow. A small stack of three books sat in the corner of the table, the sides collecting a fair coating of dust. The top of this stack was oddly clean though, explained by the presence of a fourth book, opened to a page somewhere near the middle in the center of the table. This book looked to be moved recently and the cracks in the parchment of the open page confirmed that the book hadn't been opened in years. Peering down at the page, the scrawling within was faded, and the parts still legible were scribed in what you could only guess was a much older dialect of the Daldoran tongue, the language used by the peoples who live in the empire that rests at the base of these mountains to the west. Despite your familiarity with the modern form, this ancient passage shared only a few meaningful words with the lexicon you knew, leading to your deciphering to be cryptic at best, if not outright useless: [i]... war... ... Zorkuth... beast... rime... ... sealed... unity... man...[/i] As little as the book could divulge to you, it seemed no coincidence that the namesake of the temple itself appeared here. You wondered if Aika had read from this passage too, in your attempts to follow any evidence of her presence. You thumbed the book over in your hands, looking through another few pages for anything more useful, but similarly vague was the best you could get. Still, it seemed like someone more familiar with historical linguistics could glean more from it. With a bit of a shrug to yourself, you slipped the book into your bag before turning your attention to the shelf to your side. You noted a few spaces on the shelf as empty, four to be exact, the rest was lined with other books and scrolls of a similar age, forgotten by time. Further past the shelf, in the darkened far corner away from the entrance, a hallway had come into view from this angle. It seemed to delve deeper into the temple, and the initial march through it was shrouded in the pitch black that seemed to take dominance throughout the temple. It was impossible to tell how much farther the hall reached from here, especially without a source of light to guide you there. [hr] [color=95A5A6]• Light your own torch and follow the hallway. • Take the torch off the wall and follow the hallway. • Return the books to the bookshelf. • Try something else. [Write in: briefly describe a reasonable action.] [/color]