Clear skies illuminated the rolling hills of the western plains as the wranglers broke across the horizon, driving the herd of horses towards the farm barely visible across the green. The growl of atmospheric engines filled the air as the distinct smell of the starship's exhaust filled the air, the odour covering the aroma of the long grass. A hull covered in chipped and peeling paint was visible from the ground as the ship descended toward the port beyond the farm. Space Western Aliens Synthetic Lifeforms Limited Light Speed Humans are outgunned in most space battles. Earth is mostly destroyed, existing as a slum world for those who weren't able to get off. Most of civilization is flooded, floating cities exist but as power depletes they fall from the sky. Some live among the flooded ruins of the former great cities. Mars is considered a successfully terraformed planet but was abandoned for literally greener pastures in other systems. An untamed planet, Mars has two cities, surrounded by rolling plains and small, frontier towns. Corruption bled into the terraforming efforts. Those released from stasis first used the opportunity to hijack the system and release others in batches to make them easier to control, and more subservient. Many worlds fell into caste or feudal systems. Entire systems run by oligarchies, self-imposed monarchies and even fascist regimes. Reptilian Race -Reproduces by placing eggs in those deemed strong. Hatchlings eat their way out, thus 'absorbing' the strength. -Growing old is considered a dishonour, the highest honour is being chosen to bear the young. This is also reserved for captured enemies they consider worthy.