[quote=@Martian] [@Theyra] Hey, sorry about disappearing. Personal stuff in my real life has completely messed me up the last month and a bit. I struggle with both depression and schizophrenia, both illnesses flaring up at random. One such instance happened recently and I entered a psychotic episode. This caused me to shut down, doing none of the things I like such as role-playing. This was then compounded on when a family member passed away. For a few weeks I was not in a good place, not really functioning. However, that has start to pass as I have exited that episode and am dealing with my grief better. Also, to help with my mental health, I want to get back into role-playing, as writing really soothes me. As such I was wondering if I could come back to play as Zelt. I’m craving to do something Star Wars related, and would love to come back if so allowed. [/quote] If you think you are well enough to then, welcome back and you can play as Zelt again.