[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/4414d6099bc94c9c0204daacdd923ae7.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][@PatientBean][@Master EffeX][@Trainerblue192][/center][hr][hr] [h3]Heading to Space![/h3] [color=7ea7d8]"...Ideas of a plan? Uhhhh... Don't run into Exodus and don't know about you but I'd prefer to probably avoid a lot of people there, but other then that I've got absolutely no freaking idea, I'm better at kind of accomplishing the plans, not necessarily creating them. I was asking more if anyone else had any ideas,"[/color] Pietro said with a shrug, looking back over at Max. [i][color=7ea7d8]Why would I know what I'm doing again?[/color][/i] he then asked Guin mentally. [color=yellow]"Well we need to find the others, which well, is going to be a job on its own considering this place sounds like its a big place. Pietro probably is better for maybe scouting around, but figuring he probably doesn't want to risk running into a few people. Though that begs the question you feel up to potentially racing around without getting light headed now?"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Totally,"[/color] Pietro said with a shrug, before pulling out a Twinkie from one of his pockets and munching on it, [color=7ea7d8]"Should be fine, of course I can't obviously race around the asteroid with everyone in tow."[/color] [color=yellow]"Yeah, well hopefully you won't have to... All I know is after this I really really don't want to go off into space again for a while. That is just my opinion on it considering we were there for a few months and that didn't exactly go super well for us in the long run... But anyway obviously the situation is we have to find where the others are which could take a little while, and the agreement with everything here seems to be that don't really give Sabretooth, or I guess Exodus too, time to really attack. Others might be a more case by case depending... Since we aren't sure how many people are there already so we need to be careful and alert and all."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Also figuring out what he might get up to eventually sounds like a smart idea considering if it is anything bad we can probably do something to stop him or something like that ahead of time. In theory if he actually isn't doing anything wrong then well there shouldn't be a problem and all. Let me just reiterate, we are going to be in a giant tin can, kind of like when we were in space prison, so no matter what just maybe pay attention to where the outside walls of the place are, don't want to blast holes in anything important..."[/color] Lance was only half paying attention to the conversation, as they started getting closer to their destination. Off in the distance ahead of them (thanks to Guin's guidance and all) they would be able to see the asteroid. Even from the distance they were at, it definitely looked like it was fairly large. [color=yellow]"So there is our destination, still a little bit to go, but honestly no offense Guin but that was quicker then expected to find it. But not surprised that it is fairly close to Earth."[/color] [h3]Asteroid M[/h3] [color=007236]"Yeah, the Kyln is not exactly a prison you want to really end up in. As for the alternate reality, it was very very similar to this one. Though it just sort of goes to show how one sort of event can potentially change the trajectory of everything. For instance in that reality turns out I was dead,"[/color] she said to Perry with regards to that whole situation. Figuring that at least would give some sort of explanation as to how that whole thing went. Then came the situation with the footsteps, which were getting closer to them, and now they were able to hear voices accompanying the voices, but it wasn't possible to really make out what was being said. [color=007236]"Wait to see what happens, if we're lucky they'll walk past and there won't be any issues."[/color] [color=639A5E]"From what I know the odds of there not being any issues is kind of small around here."[/color] [color=007236]"Yeah well one can hope."[/color] A small group of what looked like 5 people walked into the area. The group seemed to be all in their late teens, looking to be only a little younger then Perry was. They stopped in their tracks though when they saw the group of four standing there, and a girl among them rolled her eyes a bit. "What the hell are you doing here? Would have guessed you lot would have been banned from here all things considering," she said towards them, and the others with her all were nodding in agreement with that statement. [color=8493ca]"I'm actually wondering what all happened with your space adventures too,"[/color] Mira added in agreement with Neil's question, nodding her head a bit. Though her attention turned towards the direction that Bethany had gone, and another thought crossed her mind. Namely that she was wondering if they should start heading the direction after her considering. However there were a few other doors in the area they could maybe look through while waiting for Bethany to return. Mira started walking along, heading towards one of the other doors she spotted a little farther along, [color=8493ca]"We might want to either check another area or try and catch up with Bethany. I don't hear any commotion so I don't think she's ran into any sort of issues..."[/color] Meanwhile with Bethany, she didn't seem to be running into anyone bad or something like that. No one seemed to be bothering her or entering the room. Over along the wall, Bethany will see a computer that someone was dumb enough to leave logged in. If she looks through things, she'll see what looks to be files on several members of the Brotherhood/Acolytes who were currently on board the station. They seemed to be almost like personnel files sort of things in the computer, but if she flipped through them she might get a better idea of the more heavy hitters they might run into while on the asteroid.