[h2]Akira and Andrea[/h2] Akira gulped, diving for cover behind the weirdo that let herself get chewed on. Hey, if her contract was going to help out with that, who was she to complain? Better to let the [i]actual[/i] chew toy get it over with whilst she stayed in relative safety. At least it wasn't a Devil, right? This was the sort of thing the newbies could have helped out with while she got lunch, which meant things should be over soon. Hopefully. Andrea dealt with two of the charging Beasts--hounds? How [i]quaint[/i]--with a snort. One was impaled on her arm using its own momentum, while the other... well, maybe she thought Rika had a nice trick. Only, without much protection, there was a lot more blood. And tearing. And then the creature was thrown back, the blood-dripping arm visibly healing. All without a single response from the demon's impassive face... although her shadow was visibly snarling back. Right at the Monster. Covering its vision. Hiding how the circle that had been lining itself up behind Andrea was now finished, ready to fire both through the hound-monster and the stronger demon's heart alike. If it dodged the blazing lance, maybe it would be more worth her time to come here?