[color=darkorange]Name: Aren Acheron Age: None. Personality: Enigmatic, stoic. In his own world while keeping observant of the outside. He wasn't able to expose what he actually was unless he found himself in the appropriate company, or if unintentionally discovered. He cannot allow others to know what he is, what is he from, or what his family is. Their type has been many; feared, hunted, sought after. Too many reasons to avoid and to stay hidden from. Powers: The touch and influence of death, decay, destruction. A single touch either physical or by-proxy, one concentrated interaction of any layer. History: These powers run through his family. His father & brother have decided to go along with the powers born with. To dive deeper and embrace. Aren is avoiding the suggested expectation. He is avoiding the dive into what may be considered evil. They use this possible gift for their own gain, their advantage. Aren tries to find alternate ways. [Hider=Aren Appearance] A combination: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/ca/fc/a7/cafca7ac356587a11accc43dab5b80f3.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/dd/4f/25/dd4f25d12b6550ed2fc476b670542ce0.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fa/0a/9e/fa0a9e339cdfe5de05dee5b600c8003e.jpg[/img] [/hider][/color]