[color=darkorange] Name: Czeslc, only known as. Powers: Human. [i]He is a doctor but does not disclose this [often, if at all].[/i] Skills: Medically, naturally, environmentally & scientifically educated. Able to fight hand to hand or weapons, but a last resort. His body hurts. He would rather use his mind. Occupation: Biologist, wildlife and a falconer. Age: 48 Personality: In his thoughts he finds himself going through life never fully settling down. His intentions seem self focused even though in actuality they border altruism. He isn't seeking anything, not even a meaning. He believes in having or needing a drive or a purpose but that sometimes, in the end, we may not have one after all. He seems to be just trying to see, explore and learn what he can before he dies. Since he is older he has to pick his battles wiser though he can hold his own still just fine. He is a traveler; not to be confused with an adventurer. He is an intellect. He would rather observe and respond rather than react. This is not to say he has not held his own, or adventured through this wild life. His attachment to Aren is a history they share. Through their comradery they have gotten onto a relationship of symbiotic value. Aren uses Czelsc to help learn about the shadows and to keep at bay. They have helped each other in ways that they may not recognize yet. He feels bad for Aren. Once they got to know each other more, Czelsc decided to try and help more. Of coure there is still a motive for his own purposes, later to discover. [hider=Czelsc Appearance:] Yes. Of course. Seems to be what has to be with this character at this point. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/42/20/fc/4220fc1a600fe5f3e3c0ba6ef766d5d4.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/61/b9/67/61b967a5179072bcb42fcf73c36ff526.jpg[/img][/hider] [/color]