[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Training Room B [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center] [color=E948FC]"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Such a spicy freshie. Someone didn't 'ave t'eir coffee t'is mornin'."[/color] Danni laughed at Percy's outrage, sauntering over to throw an arm around his shoulders. He waved off Percy's accusations with a boop of his nose. [color=E948FC]"Never said Zelds ain't good 'nough; if Dee wasn't terrified of bees, I'd 'ave been pretty chill wit' t'e fire bees t'e other day. Super fuckin' cool 'onestly. I mean, respect for t'e flames and all t'at. But t'e t'ree of us winnin' toget'er 'as been a dream for years and I ain't lettin' a little 'iccup get in t'e way of t'at!"[/color] Danni reasoned. Of course, it took a bit to register what their coach told him. April [i]wasn't[/i] on their team? Instead, they would be on opposite sides of the field, every blow against the other another crack in the dream and victory cost not just tears, sweat, and.blood but friendship and bonds built with this dream.in mind. Danni couldn't even begin to consider it, pulling out his phone with a shaking hand as his vision blurred with unscheduled tears, no new unread messages begging for attention. April hadn't even respond to his text. Did she even care? Did she like her new team that much? She got Leah, a new team, and she just decided that was good enough for her, fuck Danni and Dee? Absolutely the fuck not. Percy forgotten, Danni stalked towards Nemo. He could feel fire boiling under his skin and he managed to keep it under control, only a little smoke curling off of him for a moment, as he jammed his pointer finger into Nemo's chest. [color=E948FC]"Oh, so you can see t'e big picture? I saw you already out of t'e way of my fire when I messed up and blew up t'e judges table. You a fucking psychic or somet'in' too? You able ta [i]peer t'rough time[/i] or do you just Madam Razz this shit? Well, you go back ta your crystal ball or go pop back two days or whenever t'e 'ell it was, and change your damn mind 'cause you sure as 'ell didn't see 'ow puttin' us at each ot'er's t'roats would fuck t'in's up."[/color] Danni seethed through angry tears.