[hr][center][i][H3][color=00ffff]Shieldmaiden[/color][/h3]Victoria van Dyne[/i][hr][b][Color=00ffff]Location:[/color][/b] Framework lobby [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]None[/center][hr]Victoria greeted Diana in response as she joined her, sharing the general pleasantries but otherwise leaving well enough alone. As the rest seemed to come in, she absentmindedly noted that she seemed to be the only one who opted for the full length pants. The object of her curiosity arrived a bit later, and to her displeasure, there was absolutely nothing remarkable about the guy. A quiet one like she was up until now, forsooth. At least the rest of the team she knew something about, and started thinking of how their skills might synergize, whether in or out of a fight. It wasn't easy, ad quite a few of them could do a lot of things. They even had two fliers! It made for a nice redundancy, but she was curious to see whether it would also lead to a delay in deciding who would act how, which would be a no-brainer if they were all specialized. She figured out when suited though, she would probably be called to tank damage. [color=00ffff][i]I swear, if I end up being the only meat shield, I am billing the repairs to the rest of them.[/i][/color] she groaned internally. Then her mind did the equivalent of a gramophone skipping over a record scratch. [color=00ffff][I]Hol'up... Where [b]is[/b] the roommate?[/i][/color] she asked herself, starting to look around as if Zari was just hiding from her view. [color=00ffff][i]Come to think of it, I did not notice her anywhere in the morning. Should I call her? But why should I be responsible for her timekeeping! She knows we have class. Right? I mean I did put the letter on the table, rather than leaving it in her way if she came to the dorm, but still, surely she would have checked the schedule? Come on, she's an adult! Oh my god, is this my fault?! Ohhhhh, she's going to flip on me like yesterday, I bet! FML, where's my phone![/i][/color] she groaned inwardly, patting her pockets. Vicky was about to call Zari up when a fuzzball launched from above and attacked them, jumping between Leah and Diana before settling her eyes on her. Giving the teacher her best [color=00ffff]'Try it!'[/color] face, she sent power to the Powerglove, her eyes tracking the infernal creature. But the teacher seemed to think better of it in the end, which Victoria was glad for - She didn't dare guess if blasting her out of the sky was the correct move. The teacher then proceeded to yell something that sounded suspiciously like a shitty corporate interview rejection line about when one should arrive. She was with Agatha, the villains did not exactly sent a meeting invite with a timetable and agenda. What followed was the weirdest introduction she has seen at the school to date. [color=00ffff]"Victoria van Dyne; [b][i]I[/i][/b] don't care; Cyan. Blood for the blood god!"[/color] she fired off her own right after Ed 'Arcade' Something. [color=00ffff][i]Sweet fortune, I don't like 40k, but if this teacher is going to be so over the top as that universe is, then she has earned Khorne's blessings.[/i][/color] She fought the urge to cringe. Still she kept her eyes on the... Cat? Rabbit? In case she was to be a tackle victim after all.