[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/comic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230620/d2630b9d886146f5b53a2a9c65543cf4.png[/img][/url] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/b7d351fe92385c618c9ec24cf42dcb9d/tumblr_inline_nrgyd18KvV1txo2vv_250.gifv[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent]Aloysius was exhausted. In between doing work at both the Guild and the family arms business, he seemed to have very little time to himself. It had gotten so manic that he was actually looking forward to Friday night dinner with the family. Admittedly it wasn’t the same without his father around. He was still getting used to the idea of not having him around. While he wasn’t exactly close to either of his parents, he did at times enjoy his fathers company. More than his mother for sure. His mother and him had always had a tense relationship. The first issue she had with Aloysius was that he wasn’t born a girl. She had been desperate for a girl to help ‘carry the lineage on’. That subsided with the birth of Lola, but at that point, his mother was far too focused on Lola to worry about him. That all changed when Lola started displaying her powers properly a few years ago and she was graded. At that point, it was revealed that Aloysius was for some reason stronger than his sister. That caused his mother to do a full 180 and suddenly take an interest in him once more. Funny that. Now all she would do is talk about how he was destined for greatness and how he would one day rule the Magi. Not that Aloysius really cared for it. He was more salty at the fact that his relationship with Salem wasn’t allowed to go anywhere. It ruined his senior year when the Guild council essentially forbade the duo to be together out of concerns about what mixing two pools of potent blood together would mean for the future of Magi-kind. Entering the family home in New York, he tossed his coat and suitcase onto a chair in the reception lounge and sauntered across the home. through the living room, and into the dining room where he then preceded to over to slump down one one of the may ornate wooden chairs around the large twelve person table. Not even caring for or at least acknowledging anyone else who may be there. He then let out an exhausted, almost attention seeking sigh.[/indent][/indent][/indent]