[@Expendable] Looks good! I need to know the name of that furniture store, unless you don't mind me making it up wholesale. I want to make two quick notes on her magic. Firstly, just remember that magic still follows conservation of matter. If She makes an item bigger or smaller, the mass needs to come from somewhere(or go somewhere). But I think you can just kind of minecraft it. If you're making a chair bigger, literally any wood could be added. Alternatively, if you make a chair smaller, you'll have some random pieces of wood left over(probably in weirdly regular shapes, spheres maybe). Secondly, if she attended school, she's probably had some further education on the basic principles of how to actually write a spell. In fact, let me expound a little on how different people use magic. Technically, magician is a title that's tied to a degree. Colloquially speaking, however, the accepted difference between a magician and a witch is that a witch just learns spells. A magician [i]writes[/i] them. They understand the principles of the magic, and know enough about the fundamentals of the physical world to know how the magic will interact with it. They know the "language" of magic, so to speak, and how to tell it what to do. If you're a gamer, it's like knowing how to install mods, vs knowing how to make them. Though, that might not give witches enough credit. They still need to know enough to make minor changes for things like scale of effect, and specifying the object of the spell. Even if someone only knows a spell for light, they usually know how to change the casting to make it brighter or dimmer. A little update for all: I'm still hard at work! Unfortunately, as I said I didn't get as much writing time over the weekend as I expected, and I've been busy today. I actually went whole hog and bought a fancy keyboard, set up my computer and everything, to try to inspire myself to write more(for this, and other things). It seems to be working so far! I'm definitely working more efficiently. I've also started working on a playlist for the roleplay, if you have any suggestions, my only criteria is that songs be from 1994 or earlier(though when in 94 they released isn't important). Right now there's mostly grunge and pop. EDIT: The first post has been updated again. It will take me a long time to fill in all the details that I want to add, we honestly might start the game before it's done. There's so many ideas in my head(including a bunch that y'all have put there), but I've gotten a lot of the important background stuff out, so people should have an easy enough time making characters that are integrated with the world.