[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/v9Bvxup.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#FF00FF][i][h1]An Zenui[/h1][/i][/color][/center] [hr] [color=#FF00FF]If there ever was a case to be made about being in the wrong place at the wrong time, this would be the one. I should have seen it coming when a bucket hit me at the speed of light![/color] Fiske had been monologuing to himself for quite a while. [color=#FF00FF]Everything about today has been nothing short of a disaster! We were almost regarded as guests of honor! But if that stupid noble brat did not act all high and mighty and that girl didn’t try to poison the king we would’ve been able to relax and let others take care of us for a while.[/color] [color=#FF00FF]I was even nice enough to cover for that snake lady and I did not get any thanks for something that could put everything in jeopardy! If anything I never get enough thanks for my extreme effort to make everything go as smoothly as I can.[/color] His rant began to boil over with frustrations from this entire tasking mission. This was supposed to be a mission that they’d save the others and then go back and relax. Now they’ve landed in Pentad knows where! [color=#FF00FF]If only Marci had kept track of the would-be assassin, if only everyone kept to their usefulness this would’ve been over by now. My greatness is utterly wasted in this kind of environment! And not just that, everything that has happened has been utterly absurd! Desmond going faster than me? What kind of sick joke was that? It almost felt like the gods were holding me down… And don’t get me started on the mushroom key.[/color] The boy could practically rip his hair out just thinking about it. [color=#FF00FF]’Oh, it’s just a mix of Binding and Chemical’ my arse! A couple squishy mushrooms do not have the properties to bind into a working key, if he would’ve tried to harden it with chemical or kinetic magic it would’ve crumbled inside the lock.[/color] His right eye began to twitch. [color=#FF00FF]Then when we found the would-be assassin, all we did was ask questions. Why, just because she turned out to be a woman and we caught her at an inconvenient time? The fact that they couldn’t see through such an elementary disguise from her was nothing short of a joke. If that crippled girl Penelope were to put on a beard you’d still know it’s her, no?[/color] [color=#FF00FF]And now they wanted to help her out let alone listen to what she had to say and take it seriously. This woman attempted regicide and now she asks us to do things for her? Why should we even do anything of the sort? I have no reason to care about this gods forsaken sandy shite hole.[/color]