[hr][hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3NXWvvj.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] TRAINING ROOM A [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Enhanced Reflexes (Passive), battle strategy & tactics, electrokinsis [/center] [hr][hr] [color=b71d5d]"Thank you, Mads. I'd love to."[/color] Andy smiled. Maybe she had been a little mean mentally with Mads the day of the Carnival. She had wanted to chat freely, but Mads was friendly enough. There was no reason they couldn't hang out. She would also love to get a cup of coffee, even if it was subpar. She would have to keep in mind to ask Danni and Dorian about their coffee. Maybe it could be a peace offering of friendship if she got some good coffee to share with them. April seemed to be somewhat uncomfortable with Andy. Andy had missed the shifting facial expressions since she had been looking at Mads, but the question of if she was Magneto's kid clarified for Andy why April seemed uncomfortable. A lot of people didn't trust Magneto. She understood that. Heck before Genosha she had been in a fight with him too. He wasn't 'safe'. However, her time on Genosha had taught Andy a lot. She gave a small nod. [color=b71d5d]"Yes, well, sort of. He adopted me on Genosha. I don't know my biological father. I think my mom killed him."[/color] She knew that didn't explain everything. Not in the slightest. But Andy really wasn't comfortable explaining it all. She had been seventeen...seventeen years ago. So while that answered the question...it also avoided it. [color=b71d5d]"I didn't think anyone would recognize his name like that. When I told him I was going to go to school here he said I should take his name and mom got upset that I didn't have hers so I combined them."[/color] She had wanted to use Drummond's name, not Phillips since that was her foster care name and she hated it. Drummond's had been two years of happiness. The first time she had felt herself. However, they had never legally adopted her. Legally her name would have been Phillips, but that was tied to someone who disappeared and probably was presumed dead seventeen years ago. It was a mess. Honestly, though, how could she tell either Magneto or Selene no? The paperwork for the school had been done with the combined names so as far as the law was concerned she was their kid, with only her middle name reflecting the family of her heart. At that point, before the conversation could get any further the teacher appeared. Andy perked up a bit at them getting to learn the sword. She really did want to learn, there just hadn't been time. This was perfect. There was something that looked like a very messed up Chimera between them and the swords. She considered her abilities and what she knew of her group. April had said she could control water, and she knew that Mads had magic. Andy didn't know the extent of those powers, but it might be useful. She had no idea what their fourth member could do (or fifth, but she wasn't here so that didn't matter). Andy wished they had had more time to chat about their powers before being thrown into action. She also didn't want to just run across the room and hope for the best. They should plan. Andy chewed on her lip and tapped her foot thinking before saying [color=b71d5d]"April, help me distract the thing while Mads and uh...Mary Sue,"[/color] Andy guessed considering Lady Nimue had said Terrane wasn't there. [color=b71d5d]"The two of you go get the swords. Run as fast as you can, but wait until April and I have its attention."[/color] Andy felt that with her quickness on her feet, she'd be good at getting the thing distracted. She wasn't easy to hit. And with April and her water control ability, she'd probably be able to harry it enough. [color=b71d5d]"April, can you throw water balls at it?"[/color] Andy just didn't know what the other two could do. Hopefully, they could run. She moved toward the creature. Andy ran up to it trying to hit it with some lightning. She wasn't going for any punches or anything like that, but just trying to get the creature's attention. The first bit of lighting was pitiful. The creature didn't even glance at Andy. So she went bigger. This time the creature noticed. And even though Andy was used to dodging she was not totally prepared and the creature charged at her. She didn't actually remember hitting the wall. Her mouth tasted of blood, that was the first thing she thought. The second was she was glad she had left her mom in the room so she didn't have her watching and judging her at the moment. Hopefully, it was enough of a distraction. Andy opened her eyes and blearily saw the others and that Lady Nimue hadn't moved an inch. Interesting.