[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=pink][center]Seraphina Cedergren[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/aa/ed/0a/aaed0afeaf817fc57805d10f1755742f.gif[/img][/center] [i][center]Location: New York City[/center][/i][i][center]Skills: Hydrokinsis[/center][/i][hr][hr] The ground shaking made Sera realize that Kiera must've been able to do her part of the job. She saw the older girl and smiled happily. [color=pink]"Yeah! Lets take him out. We have a huge powerful weapon in our hands, so its make it easier to do."[/color] A team of three taking on the titan would be the perfect tactic rather than just two of them. Rumbling made her nerves spark up to fear as the cave shook. Suddenly seeing that their only way out was now gone. [color=pink][i]"Merde..."[/i][/color] She cursed under her breath. Now they were stuck in a cave with scary Telekines and Oceanus. They'd have to deal with these enemies sooner than planned. And hopefully they'd be able to get out afterwards. She really didn't like the idea of being trapped in a cave. [color=pink]"Well.... lets hope we can get out of here after getting rid of Oceanus. Maybe there's another way out somewhere. If not... we'll have to somehow get rid of all those rocks so we can escape."[/color]