[center][hr][h3]Discussing Adventures in Time Travel[/h3][hr]Night after the Auditions[hr][/center] Zari had been wanting to try and find a moment that she could potentially talk to Percy and let him know all about her adventure and time travel stuff. She ended up making sure that Victoria wasn't in their dorm room though, before she went out to find Percy and drag him back there to try and tell him the full story about it. [color=007236]"Peeeeeeeercy, there is so much to tell you about my adventure it was insaaaaaane!"[/color] she said happily towards him. Percy's day had felt incredibly long, but shockingly, no one had come to expel him quite yet for attacking the judges. The end of his audition had all been somewhat of a blur. In some sort of a fever dream, he had imagined a tall, handsome savior coming to his rescue, carrying him off to his room. Percy had stolen a brief kiss. But it had been just that - a dream. He had woken up in bed, wearing his favorite pair of pajamas, and cuddling his stuffed bear Benoit. He felt like absolute shit. But after a quick five cups of coffee, he had started to feel better. He had been on his way to the dining hall to get some food before it closed (at around 10 PM or so) when he had run into Zari in the hallway. And then somehow, instead of going to get food to fill his grumbling stomach, he had been dragged back to her dorm room and was currently sitting on her desk chair. [color=ed1c24]"Alright, alright, I'm listening. Sing to me, muse,"[/color] Percy said, shaking his head slightly. He was curious. He was just also hungry. [color=05794C]"I time traveled! I went back to the year 2021 and wandered around and had an insane adventure on Genosha when that was a thing!"[/color] she said happily with a smile, [color=05794C]"And that's where I met Andy and all of that fun stuff."[/color] Percy raised an eyebrow. Zari time traveled to the early 2020's - to a year when she had barely been born - and that's where she met the Y2K punk girl? Andy's clothing wasn't even temporally accurate for the time period she was supposedly from. Unless Andy was also a time traveler? But she didn't strike him as the type. Zari though was [i]definitely[/i] the sort to want to hop, skip, and jump through the time stream. Percy had always wanted to attempt it himself - he knew that he had the power for it - but his mothers had more or less forbidden it. [color=ed1c24]"You went to Genosha? Did you go on Volcano Day?"[/color] Percy asked. [color=ed1c24]"That'd be insane, even by your standards."[/color] [color=05794C]"...I mean kind of? I actually ended up in Washington DC for a little while cause I got lost on my way to Genosha... Then I got turned into a popsicle for a few months and thawed out and was then on Genosha. So yeah I was there during all of that insanity. It was craaaaazy."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"So... To recap, you went back about seventeen years, met a girl from the year 2000, and ended up stealing some of Captain America's backstory. Then, you relocated to the first mutant nation and were there the day... Selene, right? Selene destroyed the island. And you then... left with Andy again?"[/color] Percy recapped. He felt like a lot of information was missing. He didn't not believe her - Zari came from another dimension, and Percy knew that time travel was real. He just was finding her story hard to follow. [color=ed1c24]"I'm sorry, why did you get frozen?"[/color] [color=05794C]"Oh, right, might want to explain that a bit,"[/color] she said, giggling a bit, [color=05794C]"Well, so I ended up in Washington DC when M-Pox and all was a major sort of thing in the area. So this guy who I called Stabby McStabberson had decided to build some bomb with that Terrigen Mist sort of thing, and so the group I ended up with decided to go obviously try to stop the guy from blowing it up. Well we ended up a bit too late as the guy hit the trigger to blow things up. All of us being really close probably were going to end up dead, but this one lady Sapphire had ice powers and she used them to cryogenically freeze us, and freeze everything else in the area sort of preventing the whole thing. Which is how I ended up as a popsicle. Also Andy actually is from 2021, not the year 2000."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"... Stabby McStabberson... Honestly, not the worst villain name I've heard,"[/color] Percy mused. He supposed at least this part of the story made sense. Although it wasn't clear to him why Zari had decided to go to that date and location in the first place? It was a bit of an odd random choice. It wouldn't have been Percy's first choice for a time travel adventure. Of course, his first choice was ancient Rome. [color=ed1c24]"Why does she dress like she's from the year 2000 then? Also - why did you pick Washington D.C. in 2021?"[/color] [color=05794C]"What? I didn't know what his actual name was! And I don't know, why insult her clothes! Plus I wasn't actually aiming for that specific year and place. I was aiming for Genosha since I got a prophecy from the Norns saying I had to go to Genosha, otherwise somehow something bad would happen and I wouldn't end up existing, which I very much like being able to exist thank you."[/color] Percy's interest peaked. As someone who was somewhat obsessed with Greek myths, Percy [i]LOVED[/i] an oracle. His favorite super villain was Destiny aka Irene Adler for a reason. He adored a spooky old woman in a cave huffing fumes and telling people about the future. There was nothing cooler than that. And now, hearing that Zari had received a prophecy from the Norse equivalent of a Greek oracle, Percy couldn't help but be cross that she hadn't found a way to bring him along. He would have jumped at the chance to talk to the Norns. Even if they didn't look like the Queen Mother of Genovia, it'd be fine - it'd be the most thrilling thing that had happened in his life. [color=ed1c24]"Alright, I must say I [i]am[/i] offended you met with some seers and didn't think to invite me. You will have to make this up to me later. But you can start right now by explaining this prophecy."[/color] His stomach growled again. He really did need to get some food. Or maybe more coffee. [color=05794C]"...Are you hungry? Sounds like you are, I have some snacks around here somewhere, orrrrr we could see about maybe going to go get some food and I'll explain. Up to you really about that."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"I was going to grab some dinner when you found me. But that's no excuse - prophecy details, now - please."[/color] Percy looked at Zari impatiently. He had been dealing with his hunger for a fair bit now. And right now, he was more hungry for knowledge than anything else. It was frustrating sometimes trying to get information out of Zari. She didn't make it easy. [color=05794C]"Alright if you're sure. I have some snacks or whatever lying around here somewhere if you want them,"[/color] she commented with a shrug, before she walked over and pulled out her notebook from her bag, flipping through it a bit. [color=05794C]"Here it is... [i]Granddaughter of the faded light and dead spring flowers, To save thyself thou shall run through sand to where time begins again,Thou must beware Rome's priestess, dark and dour. Alone to perish in Genosha's glen, To Waves or Staff the world must fall, Legacy of the Wanderer, you must save us all.[/i] And that's it. It mentions going to Genosha and all, that was easy to figure out... Unfortunately my time travel was a bit haywire so I got to the time era a few months early by accident..."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Fine, fine, I'll take some snacks,"[/color] he relented, waving his hand slightly. He peered over Zari's shoulder at her notebook. He barely registered the language the words were written in - just that it wasn't English. His mind pierced together the meaning quickly enough though, providing a translation in seconds. [color=ed1c24]"Huh, interesting. An apocalyptic prophecy and you didn't come get [i]me[/i] to help. You know I [i]love[/i] an apocalypse."[/color] Percy was complaining, partially sarcastically, but a bit of it was genuine. Just like he had always obsessed over mythology, he also loved apocalypse movies. A mythology related apocalypse adventure, like what Zari had done? Including time travel? It sounded [i]amazing[/i]. And she didn't even think to invite him! She stepped away for a moment and started digging around in a bag that she had, eventually finding some candy of sorts and tossing it over to him, [color=05794C]"There's also some chips or something too around here somewhere... But if you want to, I can show you the quest or prophecy thing that Agatha gave me? I had asked her about what my next adventure was going to be, and she gave me a new one during my reading, which is interesting to say the least."[/color] His mood instantly soured. He hadn't been happy with the reading Agatha had given him. She had insisted that he had been madly in love. His mind flickered briefly to the young Tony Stark from his dreams. The real Tony Stark was nearing his 70's by now, if he hadn't already reached them - and Percy was [i]not[/i] into older men. He was young, but he had already figured out that much about himself. He knew his type precisely. And so far, no one in his life met the description. Agatha must've been one of those fake oracles who was full of horseshit. [color=ed1c24]"Honestly, I'm not surprised she's leaving - I bet she was about to get fired."[/color] There was no way he was in love with Dorian Gray. [color=ed1c24]"Her cat's asshole could predict the future better than she can, the crazy old hag."[/color] [color=05794C]"Well what she told me was kind of in the sort of similar vein to how the Norns were, so I tend to listen... You can think it dumb that I do... But I know that even if someone isn't the greatest with seeing the future for whatever reason, I am one of the ones who knows that sort of thing can be kind of important no matter what..."[/color] she said, looking down at the ground now. [color=ed1c24]"She told me that I'm in [i]love[/i] - with - with the most disgusting person I've ever met!"[/color] Percy fumed. [color=ed1c24]"The Norns are real. But Agatha Harkness? She's a fraud. I bet she won't last a year at Strange Academy before they kick her out. Then maybe she'll have to go crawling to the Future Foundation for a job - her and Richards deserve each other though, fuck them."[/color] [color=05794C]"I mean people can get fortunes and all wrong, that's not impossible things aren't exactly always set in stone... Also fine, if you are going to be like that I won't tell you what she told me to help me figure out what it meant then."[/color] He frowned. [color=ed1c24]"Fine,"[/color] Percy said, getting up. [color=ed1c24]"You don't have to tell me. You can parse through her nonsense on your own for all I care."[/color] He was hurt though. He moved to the door. [color=ed1c24]"I should go. It's almost curfew. I don't need detention for this."[/color] [color=05794C]"Sooooorry Percy!"[/color] she said instantly, feeling a bit bad now and she instantly went up to hug him, [color=05794C]"Maybe she got the whole love thing wrong, relationships and such aren't predictable ever, so that wouldn't surprise me... But sounds like you really don't like the guy she's suggesting so maybe she is wrong about things... But I also like to believe that even the worst fortune tellers can be right every once in a while, hence why I choose to pay attention to what's said. Because it's better to listen and pay attention so you aren't surprised later if it turns out to be right,"[/color] she added, stepping back again and now flipping in her notebook to the stuff from Agatha. [color=05794C]"She said after showing the card Judgement reversed [i]The universe is calling to you, and you do not answer. Perhaps you wish to run and hide from this grave duty, to ignore this call, but you will not be able to escape it for long.[/i] Then there is the next of the three cards she read from, the Five of Wands, saying [i]I see chaos and infighting, a pointless and futile struggle. Brother will slay brother. Violence will breed more and more violence. And it will all amount to nothing, in the end. Blood will be spilled as carelessly as a child knocks over a glass of milk.[/i] Finally the third card the Magician reversed, to which she said [i]By manipulation or trickery, someone will gain power over you. A Faustian pact will be formed. And you, my dear Valkyrie, will never be the same again.[/i] All of which makes not a whole lot of sense to me. If you want to help me figure it out, we can maybe see about talking about it later during maybe the daylight hours or something... Since you are here to help me figure out the meaning of everything this time around."[/color] Percy wasn't exactly a person who enjoyed physical contact. He found it usually irritating and aggravating. There were certain exceptions to the rule of course - his family and Zari. He was still angry. He was pissed off really. But his anger was really directed at Agatha. He begrudgingly returned the hug, knowing that he would never hear the end of it if he didn't. Percy listened to the prophecy, a bit impressed that Zari managed to recall Agatha's ruling exactly. He didn't like this prophecy. He didn't like that someone was going to end up controlling Zari. [color=ed1c24]"That one also needs to be thrown out,"[/color] Percy grumbled. [color=ed1c24]"I don't know if it's actually possible for anyone to gain power over you. I feel like you'd chatter at them until they ran away."[/color] [color=05794C]"Well that's why I want you to help me figure it out silly. Because no matter the fortune or something the future isn't necessarily set in stone, which means that things can change. The last one at least specifically was giving me a roadmap to follow give or take, which meant it really needed to sort of be set in stone. This one more seems like it might be a warning. So we can talk more about it later okay? Anyway you might want to get back to your dorm before curfew, talk to you tomorrow."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=8181F7]Zelda Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/f72a249d6a5ee483ec6b75c95a58c9d7/7c92a46d7b3081d5-75/s250x400/417ca683063aa6f4429bc8f0a8b24b15a7dcdbee.gifv[/img][hr][b][color=8181F7]Location:[/color][/b] The Dorms [b][color=8181F7]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Zelda wasn't too sure about how the whole auditions thing went, personally she thought it had gone kind of bad overall really. She wasn't exactly too thrilled with the full idea of doing some weird superhero competition, but she had ended up convinced to do it for one reason or another. The next morning she wasn't too keen on getting up and going off to see about what team she had ended up on or something like that. However eventually she had gotten up, though it was after Diana had left the room. She walked over and picked up the envelope, opening it and seeing what team she was on. Well it shouldn't be too bad, she was with Percy at least who had seemed nice enough, though she wasn't too sure about being on the same team as April's best friends. They were kind of weird to say the least, but it wasn't really the end of the world or anything like that really. Once she was ready to go in her school uniform, though she wasn't sure about the whole skirt thing but she actually liked the color, she headed out of her dorm room towards the training room that she was meeting up with her team at. It didn't take her too long, but eventually she reached the room. Right when she was starting to open the door, it opened just a hair, not enough to really be seen by others, but enough for her to hear the words that were emanating from the room. Namely she heard what Danni and Dorian had said about there being a mistake about her being on the team instead of April. Those words started resonating through her head and she backed away now, trying to clear her thoughts a bit with regards to it. Though it took her a little bit with her standing outside of the room, she did eventually walk in, though she wasn't really paying attention to anything or what was said inbetween everything. Looking around at those in the room a bit confused as to what was going on. [color=8181F7]"...Sorry for being late... What exactly are we doing?"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=05794C]Zarina Raynordattir[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/ff103ecbe208749cabd38be60edc4b33/03a71bf746dd9e7d-7b/s400x600/f7c0e8b03abbe7168d5c827317478ebf97a20bed.gif[/img][hr][b][color=05794C]Location:[/color][/b] Dorms -> Framework Hub [b][color=05794C]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Zari hadn't exactly slept much that night for a number of reasons. The main reason was that she was excited to hear what team she had landed on and all. So she kind of overslept a little bit the next morning because of it. So she was scrambling a bit once she got up and was zipping around at top speed. Mr. Eyeball was just sort of zipping around the room after her trying to get her to slow down and think about what it was that she was doing. Of course it wasn't until the robot pointed out that she hadn't even opened the envelope yet that made her stop in her tracks. She walked over to where the envelope was (seeing where Victoria had set it) and opened it up to see where she was supposed to go. And she was running late to get there, so without so much as a second thought, she grabbed her sword, made sure her uniform was on straight, having opted for the pants outfit for it, since trying to fight much of anything in a skirt was near impossible, and her bag and she raced out of the room heading straight for the Framework area (with Mr. Eyeball following along). When she opened the door to the room, she wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but it seemed liked something strange was going in with regards to the interactions with the coach they had. Zari glanced around the room at the others who were there, and it was obvious that she was the last one there, [color=05794C]"Sooooooooorrrrrrrrry for being late, I overslept on accident,"[/color] she said as she found a spot to set her bag down and walked over, [color=05794C]"I'm Zari! And this is Mr. Eyeball,"[/color] she added as she nodded towards the floating eyeball next to her, though she knew several of the people in the room, it was more to say it to those who don't know to make things a bit quicker.