[hider=Kei Sougen] [b]Name[/b]: Kei Sougen [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Appearance[/b]: (This is on the way) [b]Personality[/b]: Kei is a young, somewhat eccentric boy, with at times an off-putting competitive spirit. He likes to challenge students to Netbattles, sometimes out of nowhere, either to test a new chip or adjustment to Roninman, or because he's interested in the other person's NetNavi. It has certainly gotten him into some trouble. He isn't boisterous or loud, and seems reserved most of the time, so during classes he's perfectly fine. Not a natural-born troublemaker by any means, but he is willing to break some rules to pursue things he wants enough, or believes is the better choice. On the overall, he's quite friendly to others too, and quite cooperative, but like the lone wanderers of his favorite films, he has not become part of any friend group. [b]Bio[/b]: Kei was born in Electopia, and lived in Netopia for a few years of his early life, up until moving back to Electopia a couple years before starting highschool. In those years leading up to highschool though, he lived with his grandparents in End City while his parents concluded their business in Netopia to fully move back, and eventually to ACDC Town. It was while he was living with his grandparents though that shaped who he is today, that is of course besides the samurai flicks he and his grandfather loved to watch during these short couple years. The NetNavi he would call his companion would be built during this time, Roninman, which he built with the help of his grandmother, who was once a leading expert in network technology. At first, it was about the customized appearance, the use of a bamboo hat and cloak being a consistent feature of this Navi, but over time as he began to explore what else he can put into a NetNavi, he started to explore virus busting and netbattling. This continued on through to highschool and present day where he attends ACDC Academy. Now in his more advanced years of study at the academy, he is focusing mainly on netbattling, as his talent for this had become clear over the course of a few years. He is set to and is planning on becoming an official Netbattler, taking interest in the occupation. The idea of becoming a wandering agent to fight netcrime was not hard for him to find the appeal in. [b]Misc[/b]: [list][*]Kei really likes samurai flicks. Roninman was designed based off of the characters of such. [*]He still visits his grandparents regularly in End City. [*]His skill with sword-based chips and programs are unmatched, but other aspects are somewhat lacking. In fact the chip conversion system he made was so he didn't have to address that. [*]Kei's surname Sougen meaning grassy field, or a grassy plain. [*]He's only picked up Wood element to outfit on Roninman at the behest of his grandfather. [*]On a PC in End City at his grandparents is a large selection of customization pieces for NetNavis he's made over the years. He was inspired by Mr. Famous who actually visits End City frequently and usually comes in with different NetNavis. As a result, he's been working on many different NetNavis, while keeping Roninman as his main.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Roninman.EXE] [b]NetNavi[/b]: Roninman.EXE [b]Element/Type[/b]: [i]Sword[/i]/[color=39b54a][b]Wood[/b][/color] [b]NetNavi Appearance[/b]: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697306273531559939/1116651539629609010/Untitled_Artwork.jpg]Roninman.EXE[/url] [b]NetNavi Combat Abilities[/b]: [list][*]Ronin Sword: Up to 3 hit combo melee attack that is sword, widesword, longsword, in any order. [*]Tsujigiri: A charged move, Roninman will execute a Stepsword with a widesword attack. [*]Grass Plain Barrier: While standing in a grass panel, any attack received will be negated and will remove the grass panel instead. Fire will ignore this entirely. [*]Iaigiri: Able to convert any Wood Chip into an Iaigiri attack, a wood element sword attack with longer range than even Longsword.[/list] [b]NetNavi Personality[/b]: A rather silent, standoffish character who speaks very little, but when he does it's a lot in idioms and phrases, sometimes seemingly made up to look cool. Despite seeming unapproachable, he has a rogue-ish chivalrous spirit, willing to help others and those in need, but is not so forthright about it. Like most NetNavis, he is quite loyal to his operator. [b]NetNavi Misc[/b]: [list][*]He has actually had many different iterations over the years, which includes with different straw hats, no hat, and was even called Bushiman.EXE for a brief period, being based more on armored samurai. [*]Kei has lately been interested in the Hitokiri, from a time before network technology there were very skilled and deadly ronin who opposed the government. Some of Roninman's current design is based on that. [*]Roninman himself feels very at home with most sword chips, including Slasher, AntiSword, CustSword, VarSword, and so on. [*]Despite seeming hard to goad, which is well, true for most things, he like his NetOp enjoy netbattling, and will rarely turn down a challenge if ever.[/list] [/hider]