[u]Hsien Lang[/u] - bitten by radioactive discourse Superhero Name: [u]Foxpearl[/u] Powers: Elemental Form/Solid Light Projection Labels Danger +1 Freak +3 Savior -2 Superior +2 Mundane -1 COURAGEOUS - HOPEFUL - SECURE - CALM - HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG IN HER ENTIRE LIFE [hider=AMA] • Who created you, and why? Once upon a time a buddhist priestess approached Lady Foxfire. She told her of the four noble truths. She told her of the eightfold path. She told her of the cycle and the wheel. She laid out all the wisdom of the universe before her as though they were not the greatest treasures, as though they could be freely given. And Lady Foxfire snapped her up in a single bite of her jaws, ideas and all! She crunched and swallowed and cleaned her whiskers and then went for a nap in the sunshine and dreamed of teriyaki. But when she woke she found that she hadn't quite forgotten the encounter or the priestess. Have you ever heard of fox pearls? Beautiful gemstones, precious beyond all measure, worn in imperial crowns and used to focus high intensity lasers. They're basically hairballs. When a fox feels remorse, regret, or self-doubt then it catches in their throat. That little glimmer of perfect virtue is then encased in a perfect shell of magical crystal so the fox can cough it up without ill effect. This is true! For weeks after eating the priestess Lady Foxfire coughed up dozens of pearls. She refused to learn but she couldn't forget, so eventually she just stashed the idea in one of her tails so she'd stop vomiting divine blessings. Every time since then that Lady Foxfire committed an evil act, the virtue reproaching her for the act collected in her tail. Eventually so much wisdom had condensed in place that it became conscious, became me, and burst forth as a being of pure intellect like Athena from the butt of Zeus! • How are you different from humans? Humanity is but an imperfect vessel for the true nature of reality: philosophy. It takes millions of humans and centuries of political development to work through basic ideas like 'murder is bad', 'politics are driven by material conditions and class interest' or 'foxes are superior to cats' and even after they do half of them still don't even get it!!! I am a superior being, an idea wrapped in the sunset fur of an angel, a vessel of pure higher consciousness, the only one who clearly sees the smouldering chemistry between Twilight Sparkle and Equestria Girls Twilight Sparkle and why it means that they're the one true pairing. • Who, outside of the team, is your caretaker? ArAN and I have an agreement. I give her ideas for things she should draw, I pose so that she can draw me, I explain to her why she was an idiot to have believed in Destiel, I demonstrate advanced combination meditation-napping techniques, I tend to her spiritual welfare, I liberate her from the material temptations of samsara and I get to sleep on the bed. In return she hardly ever tries to chase me out of her apartment with the broom. • What about humanity fascinates you the most? No matter how many times I tell them foxes invented Buddhism they never fall for it. And yet they [i]do [/i]believe me when I say that foxes invented social media! Sometimes they figure something brilliant out like the path out of the cycle of suffering being meditation, but then they do something stupid like trying to preach to a fox goddess. Are they dumb, or am I just really smart and cool and pretty? • Why do you care about the team? In a sense, aren't they [i]my [/i]tails? In a cosmic sense? As we are all emanations of the eternal divine and I, being fully enlightened and free from suffering, sit beyond and outside the wheel, aren't they just the cute little attachments to my glorious temporal form that I get to wave around to attract suckers? They're like bait, but for heavenly blessings! [/hider] MOVES [b]Not from around here:[/b] When you act clueless, goofy, or confused to get out of a sticky mundane situation, roll + Freak. On a hit, you create an opportunity, a distraction, or a plausible excuse. On a 7-9, you also feel all the weight of playing the clown and of the people staring at you. The GM shifts one of your Labels up and one down. On a miss, no one is fooled, and you’ve put yourself in their crosshairs. [b]A mind of their own:[/b] Your powers evolve and mutate. When you are facing an obstacle or threat that your powers would not be able to deal with, you can mark a condition to gain brand new abilities adapted to the situation. You lose these new powers once the danger is gone. [b]When you share a triumphant celebration with someone[/b], ask them what makes them proud or happy about the actions they took and write a lesson based on it, either filling an empty slot or replacing an existing lesson. [b] When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone[/b], if their response helps you understand human feelings and problems, mark potential. If their response confuses or offends you, shift your Freak up and your Mundane down. A BLANK SLATE You were created with a basic understanding of the world. When you learn something that helps you make sense of the world, write it down as a lesson. Fill in two lessons when you create your character; fill in the other two when you’ve learned those lessons during play. When you[b] embody one of your lessons[/b], shift one Label up and one Label down, your choice. If you cause a misunderstanding, collateral damage, or unintended consequences in the process, mark potential. When you reject one of your lessons, reject its Influence as if it were an NPC. If you choose to have it lose Influence over you, erase that lesson and write a new one in its stead. When you approach your creator or caretakers with a problem, tell them what obstacle you face or what you need to achieve, and they will offer you something you need. The GM chooses one: • secret information • a way to temporarily boost or expand your powers • access to instruments, weapons, or resources • official and explicit backing If you accept their help, they rewrite one of your lessons for you I am basically the Buddha, Karl Marx, and Superman combined but also way smarter and better looking. A superhero should always: Always act in accordance with perfect virtue, class consciousness, supernal charity, unparalleled skill, never making mistakes or showing weakness, so that you act as a beacon to inspire all creatures on wing, hoof or foot to rise above their mundane nature. Never allow anyone else be unvirtuous Potential 2/5